Arma Golang Extension 32/64 bits
The minimal requirement to build a good & nice GOLANG .dll or .so extension with ARMA3 :)
This template extension complete those jobs:
- receive ARMA input
- by default, return an asynchrone result through "ExtensionCallback" of arma handler
- or return a synchrone result throught callExtension arma function (if extensionCallbackFnc is unset)
1- install the 32/64bits TDD gcc compiler on your machine
2- use armago as your entrie point template to develop your own extension :)
3- build your extension with this command line :
32bits version
go build -o armago.dll -buildmode=c-shared .
64bits version
$ENV:GOARCH = "amd64"
go build -o armago_x64.dll -buildmode=c-shared .
4- Call your extension from Arma
addMissionEventHandler ["ExtensionCallback", {systemChat format ["%1", _this];}];
"armago" callExtension "myfunction";