Author : jacksonsang
School : Wuhan university
Project : ysyx (one chip one life)[]
goal : “一生一芯” 是一个面向初学者的CPU设计训练项目。
micro-Architecture : five stages pipeline for now
environment : vim + verilator + difftest + nemu + gtkwave
2021.7.27 : start project
2021.7.31 : single cycle CPU that implement RV64I without csr is done
2021.8.4 : 5 stage pipeline cpu that implement RV64I without csr is done
2021.8.6 : add csr instruction(csrrw[i] csrrs[i] csrrc[i]) and mcycle, not sure whether it is implemented well
2021.8.7 : pass cpu-test except hello-str(lack implementation of sprintf..) and riscv-test
2021.8.10 : use assign instead of always in combinational circuit (in the id and exe module)
2021.8.11 : use booth2 algorithm to implement mul[h/w/su/u] and pass the test
2021.8.12 : implement divide op during multicycle and pass the test
2021.8.13 : implement mul op using wallace tree within one cycle and pass the test
2021.8.14 : encapsulate the control logic and datapath in rvcpu module and provide necessary port to support difftest in SimTop module, that's also good for add axi interface in simtop
2021.8.17 : Axi4 Bus completed
2021.8.18 : add ecall and exception handle unit, add mstatus mcause mtvec mepc in csr, still lacking mie and mip(for now we don't need handle interrupt)
2021.8.24 : Add 8kB Icache and 8KB Dcache, 2 way set, blocksize = 32bytes, Pseudo-random replacement algorithm using lfsr
2021.9.9 : run RT-thread successfully
- optimize cpu by reading CPU Design can Practive (author: WenXiang Wang), some instructions' implement needs to be rethinked, e.g. shift
- memory mask signal generate method [done]
- regular the stall request signal and priority [done]
- add instructions like MUL and DIV using efficient method ( * and / are not what i want lol) use wallace tree to implement multiple op and reuse the adder in exe stage
- wallace tree [done]
- multicycle divide [done]
- reuse the adder in alu
- Branch prediction
- improve cpu's perfomance by switching to other micor-architecture like superscalar, out-of-order, more stages pipeline