OpenAI image creation website. feel free to contribute if you want
devvsakib / AskDevs
Forked from codewithvoid/AskDevsTweet your technical questions to tech twitter volunteers.
devvsakib / Whisper
Forked from Dun-sin/WhisperA Fun Application to have a random chat with people safely
Open-source project. Hacktoberfest2022, Diversion2k23 - Clone this repo and explore all the projects
Django Bootcamp 2023. Feel free to fork and changes
This is an Open Source repository. Our main goal is to solve any github error or issues and help other to feel comfortable using GitHub.
devvsakib / 4c-site
Forked from FrancescoXX/4c-siteOpen-source website for the 4C
codemeop / hackerboi
Forked from devvsakib/hackerboiBuild it like a hacking website. Participate in hecktoberfest fest 2022
Simple understanding js calculator for Beginner
A set of python projects to automate things.
This Note book created by Pure JS, no framework used.
devvsakib / json-server
Forked from typicode/json-serverGet a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)