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A simple, typed gRPC Client with static code generation

const client = new ProtoClient({
  clientSettings: { endpoint: "" },
  protoSettings: { files: ["protos/v1/customers.proto"] },

const { result, error } = await client.makeUnaryRequest(
  { id: "github" }
result; // Github Customer
error; // Any error that may have occurred during the request

Reading data from a streamed response can be done by adding a read iterator

await client.makeServerStreamRequest(
  { name: "git*" },
  async (row) => {
    row; // Incoming response row chunk

Streaming data to a server can be done through a write sandbox

const { result } = await client.makeClientStreamRequest(
  async (write) => {
    await write({ id: "github", name: "Github" });
    await write({ id: "npm", name: "NPM" });
result.customers; // List of customers updated

And duplex streams combines both paradigms above into one

await client.makeBidiStreamRequest(
  async (write) => {
    await write({ id: "github", name: "Github" });
    await write({ id: "npm", name: "NPM" });
  async (row) => {
    row; // Incoming response row chunk

Requests can also be piped into other request streams

const request = client.getServerStreamRequest("v1.Customers.FindCustomers", {
  name: "git*",

await client.makeBidiStreamRequest(
  request.transform(async (customer) => {
    return { ...customer, isCopied: true };
  async (row) => {
    row; // Incoming response row chunk


The ProtoClient instance provides middleware injection to adjust requests before they are sent. A great use case would be adding authentication tokens to the request metadata in one location rather than at each line of code a request is made

client.useMiddleware((request) => {
  request.metadata.set("authToken", "abc_123");


Each request instance extends NodeJS's EventEmitter, allowing callers to hook into specific signal points during the process of a request. To extend the use case above, updates to authentication tokens can be passed back in Metadata and auto assigned in one location rather than at each line of code a request is made

let authToken = "";

client.useMiddleware((request) => {
  if (authToken) {
    request.metadata.set("authToken", authToken);

  request.on("response", () => {
    const token = request.responseMetadata?.get("updatedAuthToken");
    if (token) {
      authToken = token[0];

List of Events

  • ProtoRequest:
    • data: Event emitted each time a response is received from the server (once for unary responses, every chunk for streamed responses)
    • response: Event emitted right before the first response is sent to the caller
    • retry: Event emitted right before a retry request is started
    • aborted: Event emitted when the request has been aborted
    • error: Event emitted when the request resolves with an error
    • end: Event emitted after the last response (or error) has been returned to the caller
  • ProtoClient:
    • request: Event emitted at creation of a request (before middleware is run)

Multi Service Support

For multi service architectures, ProtoClient comes with built-in support to configure which requests point to with service endpoint using a matching utility. This is purely configuration, and requires no changes to individual methods/requests

  endpoint: [
    // Matching all rpc methods of the v1.Customers service to a specific service endpoint
      address: "",
      match: "v1.Customers.*",

    // Matching all rpc methods of the v1.products.TransportationService service to a specific service endpoint
      address: "",
      match: "v1.products.TransportationService.*",

    // Matching an entire namespace to a specific service endpoint
      address: "",
      match: "v1.employees.*",

Automatic Retries

Every request is wrapped in a retry function, allowing for fully customized handling of timeouts and retries. Can be configured at both the overall client, and individual request levels.

  • retryCount: Number of times to retry request. Defaults to none
  • status: Status code(s) request is allowed to retry on. Uses default list of status codes if not defined

Static Code Generation

Translates .proto files into functional API calls

proto-client [options] file1.proto file2.proto ...

      --version       Show version number
  -o, --output        Output directory for compiled files
  -p, --path          Adds a directory to the include path
      --keep-case     Keeps field casing instead of converting to camel case
      --force-long    Enforces the use of 'Long' for s-/u-/int64 and s-/fixed64 fields
      --force-number  Enforces the use of 'number' for s-/u-/int64 and s-/fixed64 fields
      --help          Show help


Given the following customers.proto file, running the proto-client command will generate a js/ts client scaffold for easy functional request making

syntax = "proto3";

package v1;

message Customer {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2;

message GetCustomerRequest {
  string id = 1;

message FindCustomersRequest {
  string name = 1;

message CustomersResponse {
  repeated Customer customers = 1;

service Customers {
  rpc GetCustomer (GetCustomerRequest) returns (Customer);
  rpc FindCustomers (FindCustomersRequest) returns (stream Customer);
  rpc EditCustomer (stream Customer) returns (CustomersResponse);
  rpc CreateCustomers (stream Customer) returns (stream Customer);

The client.js code generated:

module.exports.v1 = {
  Customers: {
    GetCustomer: async (data) =>
      protoClient.makeUnaryRequest("v1.Customers.GetCustomer", data),

    CreateCustomers: async (writerSandbox, streamReader) =>

To make calls:

import { protoClient, v1 } from "output/client";

// Configuring service endpoint(s)
protoClient.configureClient({ endpoint: "" });

// Unary Requests
const { result } = await v1.Customers.GetCustomer({ id: "github" });
result; // Customer

// Bidirectional Requests
await v1.Customers.CreateCustomers(
  async (write) => {
    await write({ name: "github", action: "Github" });
    await write({ name: "npm", action: "NPM" });
  async (row) => {
    // ... each streamed row ...


A simple, typed gRPC Client with static code generation







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