Tags: coderarjob/kpdfsync
kpdfsync 0.11.0-alpha Change since 0.10.0-alpha * Buid: CMake completely replaces, the older Linux shell script. Now the source can be compiled in Windows, Mac OS and Linux. * GUI: Minor changes, like new banner image and text. * Software is now provided under GPL3 License not MIT. Bug Fixes: * Bug #9 Automatic pair not working Also includes all the changes from 0.10.0-alpha pre-release. UI and New Features: * New Parser added for reading an older format of Clippings.txt file. * GUI: User can now choose a parser suitable fro the provided Clippings file. Bug Fixes: * Minor GUI bug fixes. libkpdfsync: * AbstractParser, ParserResult and KindleParserV1 are now more decoupled and various functions are moved to the base class. * Rectified some wrong class design decisions to better use Java OOP features.
Pre-Release 0.10.0: Support for Multiple Parsers added. UI and New Features: * New Parser added for reading an older format of Clippings.txt file. * GUI: User can now choose a parser suitable fro the provided Clippings file. Bug Fixes: * Minor GUI bug fixes. libkpdfsync: * AbstractParser, ParserResult and KindleParserV1 are now more decoupled and various functions are moved to the base class. * Rectified some wrong class design decisions to better use Java OOP features.
kpdfsync 0.9.0-alpha Changes since 0.8.1-alpha: * OS Name and Arch are now always logged. * 'kpdfsync.sh' is now 'kpdfsync'. This change, creates one target executable for Mac and Linux. Users can now double click to open. * Fixing PDF feature now disabled in Mac OS. Fails with a graceful message. * UI: GUI modified to be more compact. The window size is now better suited for smaller old displays. * UI: Buttons have icons, and there is a new banner image. * UI: Version and Exit buttons were removed. Fixes: * Version string fixed. It now conforms with Semantic versioning scheme. * Bug Fix: name and post tables were not found. Fixed in pdfclown lib. * Bug Fix: List controls are now disabled when some highlighting and fixing is in progress.
kpdfsync 0.8.1-alpha release Changes since 0.8.0-alpha * Build.sh loads version string into app.settings. Fixes: * Bug Fix: When a symbolic link is used to start kpdfsync it goes to a wrong directory and is unable to find the .jar files. * Bug fix: Kpdfsync.sh cannot be started from a path which has spaces in it.
kpdfsync 0.8.0-alpha Changes since 0.7.0-alpha New Features * Fixing pdfs using pdftocairo utility. This can fix some common PDF errors. More fixes will be added in the future. * Version button added to GUI. * Logically different parts of kpdfsync is now packaged separately. * Support of Settings file added. * Separate settings file for each of these separate packages. * Version string changed to 0.8.0-<buildid>-<commitid>-alpha. * Scripts to start kpdfsync for Unix and Windows. This allows users to start kpdfsync without first changing to its directory. * Log format changed. Version strings for each of the packages is logged. Fixes * Bug Fix: Status label expanding beyond the frame. * Spelling fixes.
Kpdfsync alpha release *Features* - Annotate a PDF file with the highlights and notes from the Kindle Clippings.txt file. Control over matching precision allows to work with tricky PDF files. - Automatic association of highlight and notes in pages with a single highlight and note. For other pages, user can provide the association manually using the GUI. *Bug Fixes* - BugFix: Duplicate Title string from getBookTitles. - ApiFix: close method should not have any parameters - Multiple fixes in the GUI.
PatternMatcherEvents and AbstractAnnotator classes.