simplesms is a free/open source SMS/USSD gateway for building applications that are based on basic short message service (SMS) and unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) mobile phone technology. It provides a simple API for sending and handling incoming SMS, USSD responses and 'Flashing' (phone calls that you do not intend to be picked up, instead to call attention)
simplesms is free software, available under the MIT License.
- Python 2.6 - All development is done against Python 2.6.x
- virtualenv - on Ubuntu please install python-virtualenv
To setup an instance of simplesms in a clean virtualenv (named env):
$ virtualenv env --no-site-packages --python=python2.6 $ source env/bin/activate $ pip install simplesms $ pip install pytz $ pip install git+git://
To use simplesms, developers can subclass the simplesms.Handler class and implement the handle_sms, handle_call, and handle_ussd_response methods to handle incoming communications to their applications. Please look at the script in the demo folder.
Please note that the development status of this software is Alpha. Please file any bugs on the github issue tracker, and/or submit a pull request.