This repository contains a Java adoption of the original OWASP Serverless Goat application.
Thank you for using OWASP ServerlessGoat!
This serverless application demonstrates common serverless security flaws as described in the official OWASP Top 10 Serverless Interpretations and the Serverless Security Top 10 Weaknesses guide
ServerlessGoat was created for the following educational purposes:
- Teach developers & security practitioners about common serverless application layer risks and weaknesses
- Educate on how serverless application layer weaknesses can be exploited
- Teach developers & security practitioners about serverless security best-practices
You can find more information about WebGoat at:
WARNING 1: This application contains vulnerabilities. Use it only for training purposes.
WARNING 2: This program is for educational purposes only. Do not attempt these techniques without authorization from application owners.
NOTE: The application was developed in such way that should not put your AWS account at risk. The vulnerabilities that were introduced are contained within the boundaries of this specific application. Nevertheless, users are not encouraged to deploy the application in production environments.
- Make sure you are logged into your AWS account
- Click on the following link: AWS Serverless Application Repository
- Click
- Click
(again) - Wait until you see the message
Your application has been deployed
- Click on
View CloudFormation Stack
- Under
you will find the URL for the application (WebsiteURL)
Requires AWS CLI
sam build
sam deploy
Install AWS Sam in version > 1.3.2
sam build
sam local invoke
The full walkthrough of the lessons (under development) can be found in the file
The following security issues exist in the application:
- Event-data injection, leading to OS command injection (SAS-01)
- Users can invoke the API with a
parameter value containing Linux OS commands. E.g.; ls -LF
- Users can invoke the API with a
- Improper exception handling and verbose error messages (SAS-10), leading to sensitive information disclosure
- For example, invoking the API without the required parameter will return a verbose stack trace/exception
- Insecure Serverless Deployment Configuration (SAS-03)
- Publicly open S3 bucket (its name can be discovered from the subdomain/prefix of the URL)
- The parameter
is not defined as a 'required' parameter in API gateway and can be ommitted
- Over-privileged function permissions & roles, leading to data leakage of information stored in a DynamoDB table (SAS-04)
- The function has CRUD permissions on the Dynamo table, which can be abused for reading sensitive data, or manipulating data
- The function has FullAccess policy on the S3 bucket, leading to data tampering and data leakage, etc.
- Inadequate function monitoring and logging (SAS-05) - the application doesn't properly log application layer attacks and errors (can be demonstrated through CloudWatch/CloudTrail)
- Insecure 3rd Party Dependencies (SAS-06) - can be detected by scanning the project with a SCA scanning tool.
- Application layer Denial of Service (SAS-08), which can be easily demonstrated
- An attacker may invoke the API recursively multiple times, essentially spawning enough instances to reach the function's reserved capacity limit (which is set to 5). For example:
- An attacker may invoke the API recursively multiple times, essentially spawning enough instances to reach the function's reserved capacity limit (which is set to 5). For example:
- An undisclosed critical issue, as bonus!
ServerlessGoat was initially created and contributed to OWASP by Yuri Shapira & Ory Segal, PureSec. ServerlessGoat for Java was adopted by Manuel Benz and Johannes Spaeth, CodeShield