This is an interactive tool to assist with downloading image libraries from
and converting them to Analogue OS' .bin
Note that at this time image libraries only seem to work with cartridge-based games.
Presumably, OpenFPGA cores would follow the same image library format when displaying game details. However, Analogue has yet to support Library images for titles launched through OpenFPGA cores. Until such a time that OpenFPGA cores support Library images, using these image libraries with ROMs launched through OpenFPGA cores cannot be supported.
To get started, run AnalogueOSLibraryImageGenerator.ps1
in PowerShell. An
interactive menu will guide you. It is recommended to read the Introduction
before using the tool for the first time to get a feel for how it works.
By default the output is minimal. You can use the following flags to control whether to show additional output when launching the script. Note that these flags will increase the conversion time a bit as writing to the console is not an instant operation:
: Output the files which are converted to the console-Verbose
: Additional debugging output, useful when troubleshooting the script-Verbosity
, orNoisy
. Controls how much information is displayed when-Verbose
is set. No effect otherwise.Minimal
is the default.
At this time of writing only GBA, GB, GBC, and GG images are useful for conversion, but any libretro-thumbnail repository should be compatible. This ensures future compatibility as official converters are released or if Library images ever become supported on openFPGA cores.
Note that since this tool relies on both libretro and DAT files, it may miss thumbnails for games which don't have a libretro-thumbnail image or if entries are not found in your DAT file. For the latter, if you know the CRC of your cart or ROM, you can add to your DAT file at any time using the text editor of your choice. In particular, rom hacks are likely going to be missing from the DAT file you pull from DAT-O-MATIC, but there are a few missing retail games or revisions of them as well.
Keep in mind that DAT-O-MATIC does split some classes of games into their own System. For example, GBA video cartridges have a special system classification and are not included in the normal DAT with most actual games.
This tool is only supported on Windows as it relies on .NET types which are not available on MacOS or Linux. You may see some remnants in the source of a cross-platform direction, but this was quashed when I found the built-in namespaces for image manipulation are Windows-only or deprecated in non-Windows environments.
I am aware that there are third-party libs/tools that can be leveraged for image
manipulation, however, one of the goals of this project is portability and not
requiring additional items to be installed. It is also why this script crawls
the GitHub site to obtain the zip URLs instead of requiring git
to be installed
for cloning libretro-thumbnails
and its submodules directly.
That said, if anybody wants to contribute such functionality for Mac OS or Linux, pull requests are welcomed. Just try to keep any external dependencies to a "standard enough" minimum.
There's not a whole lot I can do about this, I hit this sometimes too when trying to convert the GBA library due to its size. GitHub terminates the code archive download if it runs for longer than 20 minutes, in my experience. This is likely due to the fact that GitHub creates code archives on-demand, and the time the exported archive remains cached is limited.
As a workaround when this happens, if you choose Download Console Image Library (Manual)
and provide a file path (instead of a URL) to an archive that you've either:
- exported yourself from a cloned copy of the
repo; or - been able to obtain from
yourself via other means
then the script will work with the local archive you've pointed to instead of attempting to
obtain it from GitHub. Note that this script expects a .zip
file; .tar.gz
is not supported.
Check out the latest Release page for the most recent sample image packs.
If you have a problem with the latest version, all Releases have sample packs provided, so you may try one of those. You can find older stable versions of the script along with image packs for supported games at the time of release as well as prior versions of the script. Don't forget if you have a problem with the latest sample packs to please create an issue on the project's issue tracker.