- tensorflow-gpu >= 1.10.0
- python >= 3.6
- opencv-python >= 2.4.8
- scipy
- numpy
- matplotlib
Folder(should create manually before running):
Core Files
- video_to_pic.py —— convert videos data into frames data
- pose_estimation.py —— estimate the pose of people of frames data,and generate the pose-vector ,save pose-vector data as TFrecords files.
- gait_model.py —— define the gait model:3D Resnet model , able to train and validate
- test_model.py —— test the model use test data
- other files are supportive
python pose_estimation.py -h
to get the parameters information ,such as :usage: pose_estimation.py [-h] [-d DATA_DIR] [-t DATA_TYPE] [-n NUM_CLASSES] process video data and generate pose-vector,save as TFrecords al last optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DATA_DIR, --data_dir DATA_DIR your video data path -t DATA_TYPE, --data_type DATA_TYPE your data type : train or test or val,Consistent with data_dir,if data_dir='train-set path',data_type='train' -n NUM_CLASSES, --num_classes NUM_CLASSES Therefore,when you want to run this file ,you should set these parameters. Here is the correct example
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python pose_estimation.py -d '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/video/train' -t 'train' -n 3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python pose_estimation.py -d '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/video/val' -t 'val' -n 3
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python pose_estimation.py -d '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/video/test' -t 'test' -n 3
then it will generate pose-data of val-set and train-set and save as tfrecords. you must set the second parameter,when you want to process the train data in order to get the pose-vector, the second parameter should be set 'train'.in a similar way
valset - 'val' ; testset - 'test' After above, it will save the pose data as tfrecords file which are located in './TFdata/'
To prevent errors, delete data of 'image/frames_data/' and './TFdata/' before running pose_estimation.py
python run_gait.py -h
to train and validate data. such as :usage: run_gait.py [-h] [-n NUM_CLASSES] [-t TRAIN_STEPS] [-e EPOCH] [-b BATCH] [-tr TRAIN_SET] [-va VAL_SET] [-c CHECKPOINT] [-l LEARN_RATE] [-nt NUM_TRAINSET] [-nv NUM_VALSET] provide data to train and val optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n NUM_CLASSES, --num_classes NUM_CLASSES number of classes -t TRAIN_STEPS, --train_steps TRAIN_STEPS number of iterations per epoch -e EPOCH, --epoch EPOCH number of epoches -b BATCH, --batch BATCH number of batch -tr TRAIN_SET, --train_set TRAIN_SET path of train tfrecords -va VAL_SET, --val_set VAL_SET path of val tfrecords -c CHECKPOINT, --checkpoint CHECKPOINT path of saving model -l LEARN_RATE, --learn_rate LEARN_RATE learn_rate -nt NUM_TRAINSET, --num_trainset NUM_TRAINSET number of train samples ,used to shuffle -nv NUM_VALSET, --num_valset NUM_VALSET number of val samples ,used to shuffle
the correct example:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_gait.py -n 3 -t 50 -e 10 -b 3 -tr '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/TFdata/train.tfrecords' -va '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/TFdata/val.tfrecords' -c '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/Our_model/' -l 0.001 -nv 3
After 2, our model will be saved in './Our_model'.
After 1 and 2 , we can use the model to test our data.
runpython test_model.py -h
usage: test_model.py [-h] [-m MODEL_FILE] [-t TEST_TFRECORDS] [-n NUM_TEST] test model to get acc and loss optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m MODEL_FILE, --model_file MODEL_FILE model path -t TEST_TFRECORDS, --test_tfrecords TEST_TFRECORDS test data path -n NUM_TEST, --num_test NUM_TEST number of test samples
the correct example
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test_model.py -m '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/Our_model/' -t '/home/a524wangye/USA_gait/TFdata/test.tfrecords' -n 3
raw video data:
- the name of video is set to 'label_number.mp4'
- 'label' is label of this video,'' is used to separate,'number' is the sequence number of the video,such as
1_0.mp4,1_1.mp4,2_1.mp4 and so on. The program will split by '' to get the label of the video.
- 'label' is label of this video,'' is used to separate,'number' is the sequence number of the video,such as
- folder format
- the name of video is set to 'label_number.mp4'
frames data
tfrecords data