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you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)

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This package emulates surround.vim by Tim Pope. The functionality is wrapped into a minor mode. To enable it globally, add the following lines to ~/.emacs:

(require 'surround)
(global-surround-mode 1)

Alternatively, you can enable surround-mode along a major mode by adding `turn-on-surround-mode' to the mode hook.

This package uses [Evil](surround.vim by Tim Pope) as its vi layer.

Add surrounding

You can surround in visual-state with s<textobject><trigger> or in normal-state with ys<textobject><trigger>.

Change surrounding

You can change a surrounding with cs<old-trigger><new-trigger>.

Delete surrounding

You can delete a surrounding with cd<old-trigger><new-trigger>.

Add new surround pairs

A surround pair is this (trigger char with textual left and right strings):

(?> . ("<" . ">"))

or this (trigger char and calling a function):

(?< . surround-read-tag)

You can add new by adding them to surround-pairs-alist. For more information do: C-h v surround-pairs-alist.

surround-pairs-alist is a buffer local variable, which means that you can have different surround pairs in different modes. By default < is used to insert a tag, in C++ this may not be useful - but inserting angle brackets is, so you can add this:

(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda ()
                           (push '(?< . ("< " . " >")) surround-pairs-alist)))

Don't worry about having two entries for < surround will take the first.

Or in Emacs Lisp modes using ` to enter ` ' is quite useful, but not adding a pair of (the default behavior if no entry insurround-pairs-alist` is present), so you can do this:

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook (lambda ()
                                  (push '(?` . ("`" . "'")) surround-pairs-alist)))

without affecting your Markdown surround pairs, where the default is useful.

To change the default surround-pairs-alist you have to use setq-default, for example to remove all default pairs:

(setq-default surround-pairs-alist '())

or to add a pair that surrounds with two ` if you enter ~:

(setq-default surround-pairs-alist (cons '(?~ ("``" . "``"))

Usage examples

Here are some usage examples (taken from surround.vim):

Press cs"' inside

"Hello world!"

to change it to

'Hello world!'

Now press cs'<q> to change it to

<q>Hello world!</q>

To go full circle, press cst" to get

"Hello world!"

To remove the delimiters entirely, press ds".

Hello world!

Now with the cursor on "Hello", press ysiw] (iw is a text object).

[Hello] world!

Let's make that braces and add some space (use } instead of { for no space): cs]{

{ Hello } world!

Now wrap the entire line in parentheses with yssb or yss) (wrapping the line is currently broken see issue #5).

({ Hello } world!)

Revert to the original text: ds{ds)

Hello world!

Emphasize hello: ysiw<em>

<em>Hello</em> world!

Finally, let's try out visual mode. Press a capital V (for linewise visual mode) followed by S<p class="important">.

<p class="important">
  <em>Hello</em> world!


you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)






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