ZPM ( Zsh plugin manager ) is an yet another plugin manager for zsh similar to vim-plug. ZPM plugins are compatible with oh-my-zsh. ZPM runs on Linux, Android, FreeBSD and OS X.
- git
- zsh
- Termux for Android
From GitHub
- Add
if [[ ! -f ~/.zpm/zpm.zsh ]]; then
git clone --recursive https://github.com/horosgrisa/zpm ~/.zpm
into .zshrc
- If you don't have
copy example of.zshrc
from zpm
cp ~/.zpm/zshrc-example ~/.zshrc
From Aur (Arch Linux)
$ yaourt zpm
$ cp /usr/share/zpm/zshrc-example ~/.zshrc
- Add
Plug some-plugin
for enabling plugin from~/.zpm/plugins
- Or add
Plug github-user/github-repo
for enabling plugin from github.