A collection of various shell scripts for automation of common tasks
Tool for automatically copying the contents of a folder to a remote system after connecting to wifi.
Should be run with a cron-job or other automation so it is always checking for wifi connection.
Script for installing the tools you need for an engagement when you can't bring "hacking tools" with you.
Lists the IP addresses for each interface.
Gets a list of the files in a directory and displays a count of the number of files.
Test of the case/switch function for bash shell scripting, with a simple menu for choosing the command to run
Mega tool with many different options:
- Add a user
- Change your SSH Port
- Set a static IP.
- Change your MAC address (WIP).
- Create a folder.
- Do a ping sweep of a network.
- Put a wireless card in monitor/managed mode. (WIP)
- Monitor wifi. (WIP)
- Setup a reverse SSH Tunnel. (WIP)
- Create mangled wordlist. (WIP)
- Crack passwords with hashcat. (WIP)
Creates a Python3 HTTP server, listing the files in the specified directory with ready to copy wget links. Currently hard-coded for port 8099 #TODO: take user input for port