Typescript Template starter with React Navigation Bottom Tabs and Supabase auth using React Context
Install node.js
Install Expo
npm install --global expo-cli
Download this repo
Install deps on your template folder
npm install
Start the environtment
expo start
Set up a new Supabase.io project
Fill your supabase credentials to your config inside
You can find your supabase credentials in your project -> settings -> API
// Better put your these secret keys in .env file export const supabase = createClient( "supabaseUrl", "supabaseKey", { localStorage: AsyncStorage as any, } );
and you good to go!
There are 3 screens included inside ./src/screens/auth
and one more thing its included with the supabase auth function, so you don't need to create the function. The ilustrations I use undraw
- Login screen
- Register screen
- Forget password screen
The checking logged users process is inside ./src/provider/AuthProvider
I use React Context, you can add more functions like get the data of the user and store it to the context (better static data, ex: uid)
Inside the navigator ./src/navigation/AppNavigator.js
There's 2 stack navigator :
→ for not logged in users stack<Main/>
→ for logged in users stack<Loading/>
→ when checking if the user is logged in or not loading screen
export default () => {
const auth = useContext(AuthContext);
const user = auth.user;
return (
{user == null && <Loading />}
{user == false && <Auth />}
{user == true && <Main />}
These UI components are provided by Rapi UI. Check the documentation for usage and more components.
These are the folders and the functionality all in src/
/src/assets -> for media such as images, etc
/src/components -> for components
/src/navigation -> for React Navigation
/src/provider -> for React Context
/src/screens -> for Screens
/src/types -> for Types
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