Jinja2 template maintenance scripts for fil-tuxedo-stack services.
These scripts are deployed via CI/CD jobs that utilise an Ansible playbook. For more information refer to the fil-tuxedo-stack deployment branch and Informix Management role.
The following sections detail in brief the function of each script:
Filename | Description |
cabs_check.j2 |
Check CABS service is running and check logs for network errors. |
Filename | Description |
active_auth_codes_stats.j2 |
Generate active auth codes stats for the previous week and send by email. |
aps_letter_run.j2 |
Auth code letter generation processing. |
auth_change_clear.j2 |
Clear old entries from the auth change Informix database table. |
auth_change_status_check.J2 |
Generate email for auth change records showing status 'v'. |
auth_code_stats.j2 |
Generate auth code stats and send by email. |
auth_diss.j2 |
Disable auth codes for dissolved companies. |
auth_letters_eshuttle.j2 |
Process shuttle files and create/update/disable auth code database entries for individual companies as necessary. |
auth_letters_insert.j2 |
Insert auth letter records into Informix EF database. |
auth_letters_status.j2 |
Update status of auth change entries with missing auth codes. |
daily_letter_count_stats.j2 |
Generate daily letter count stats and send by email. |
database_lock_check.j2 |
Check ULOG for SQLSTATE errors indicating database lock and send by email. |
duplicate_auth_codes_check.j2 |
Check for duplicate auth codes and send by email. |
forward_check.j2 |
Check for service forwarding errors and generate email. |
presenter_data_transfer.j2 |
Copy presenter data to S3 bucket for retrieval and processing by backend XML service instances. |
sqlstate_check.j2 |
Check ULOG for SQLSTATE exception errors and send by email. |
ulog_error_check.j2 |
Check ULOG for generic errors and send by email. |
Filename | Description |
ois_stats_production.j2 |
Generate OIS function call statistics and send email to recipients. |
ois_stats_update.j2 |
Parse statistics files generated by ois-tuxedo-stack servers (output files generated by the morestats_miu script) and insert into prod Informix database. |
Filename | Description |
db_error_check.j2 |
Check prod service logs for errors indicating database update failures. |
sage_extract.j2 |
Generate and transfer telesales data files to finance system. |
Filename | Description |
chcc_stats.j2 |
Generate CHCC service stats for the previous week and send by email. |
chs_permissions.j2 |
Update file permissions for CHS services. |
fiche_clean.j2 |
Delete fiche files older than the specified number of days. |
image_metadata_clean.j2 |
Delete generated image metadata files. |
orders_archive.j2 |
Archive old SCUD orders to a separate database table. |
pre95_mortgages.j2 |
Export pre-95 mortgage documents from Informix database to NFS shares. |
public_stats.j2 |
Generate SCUD public search stats and send by email. |
qsp_check.j2 |
Check SMS poll daemon log for errors indicating failures in the charging process to QSP. |
scanning_clean.j2 |
Delete image files older than the specified number of days and delete empty scanning directories whose names being with a defined company prefix. |
scud_extract.j2 |
Generate scud extract files containing details of the scanned documents for the day, export TIFF images, and update database with amended day numbers. |
scud_stats.j2 |
Generate weekly statistics for scud service and send by email. |
sms_poll_check.j2 |
Check status of SMS poll daemon and send alerts if not running. |
sms_poll_start.j2 |
Start SMS poll daemon to prepare orders for transmission. |
sms_poll_stop.j2 |
Stop SMS poll daemon. |
transmission_check.j2 |
Check SMS poll daemon log for order processing errors and generate alerts. |
This project uses a trunk-based branching strategy and changes merged to the main
branch are incorporated into versioned artefacts via the fil-tuxedo-scripts pipeline:
%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'default' , 'themeVariables': {
'git0': '#4585ed',
'git1': '#edad45'
} } }%%
branch feature
checkout main
merge feature tag: "1.0.0"
This project is subject to the terms of the MIT License.