- WavySlider: Squiggly slider like the one in Android 13
- Reveal effect: Coach mark and walkthrough for components
- WebView: Basic WebView functionality
- peekaboo: Image picker
- Epic Calendar: Displays calendars
- Compose Sonner: Opinionated toast
- ZoomImage: Zooming and interacting with images
- Typist-CMP: Animated text typing
- Jewel: IntelliJ New UI
- Compose Fluent: Microsoft Fluent UI
- Premo: Implements presentation layer
- Comshot: Capture screenshot of Composables and Views
- Coil: Image loading based on coroutines
- haze: Glassmorphism blur modifier
- Material motion compose: Implements motion system in Material components
- Material 3 Window size class: Implements Material3 windowing layout
- Compose DND: Drag and drop functionality
- MaterialKolor: Generates dynamic Material3 color schemes from a seed color
- QRose: Styled QR code generator
- SVG to Compose: Makes vectors cross-platform
- InsetsX: Unified interface for handling WindowInsets
- Drag Select Compose: Google Photos-style multi-selection
- Kottie: Render After Effects animations
- Compottie: Lottie animations
- Orbital: Implements animations such as shared-element transition
- MOKO resources: Common resources
- Compose Settings: Common settings
- Cutcon: Media cutter, converter, viewer (video, audio, image)
- PeopleInSpace: List of people in space and the position of the International Space Station
- Gitnuro: Git client
- MusicApp-KMP: Music player and explorer
- SpMp: A YouTube Music client
- https://github.com/terrakok/kmp-awesome
- https://github.com/chrisnkrueger/awesome-kotlin-multiplatform
- https://github.com/sebkur/awesome-compose-for-desktop
- https://github.com/jetpack-compose/jetpack-compose-awesome
- https://github.com/hadiyarajesh/awesome-compose
- https://github.com/androiddevnotes/awesome-jetpack-compose-android-apps
- https://github.com/androiddevnotes/awesome-jetpack-compose-learning-resources