a mastodon bot that will post provided media files at specified days and times
Usage: media-bot [-c|--config ARG] [-h|--help] [-a|--alt-text ALT-TEXT]
[-m|--media MEDIA] [-d|--day DAY] [-t|--time TIME] [-v|--visibility VISIBILITY]
[-s|--sensitive] [--version]
Available options:
-c, --config ARG config file to use
-h, --help prints this help
-a, --alt-text ALT-TEXT alt text to post for supplied media
-m, --media MEDIA media to post
-d, --day DAY day to make the post
-t, --time TIME time to make the post in the format HH:MM
-v, --visibility VISIBILITY
visibility of post (defaults to unlisted)
-s, --sensitive if provided, the media will be marked as sensitive when posted
--version prints the version
To post a video with alt text every thursday at 11:00am:
$ ./media-bot -c your.config --day thursday --time 11:00 --media video.mp4 --alt-text "this is the media alt text"
To post a photo publically, but mark it sensitive:
$ ./media-bot -c your.config -d Sunday -t 20:00 -m photo.png --visibility public --sensitive
- Install roswell
$ mkdir ~/common-lisp && git clone https://dev.focks.website/focks/media-bot ~/common-lisp/media-bot
$ cd ~/common-lisp/media-bot && make