- Mumbai, India
- https://about.me/computingfreak
- @computingfreak
JsonPath Public
Forked from json-path/JsonPathJava JsonPath implementation
pocketbase Public
Forked from pocketbase/pocketbaseOpen Source realtime backend in 1 file
spring-data-r2dbc Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-data-r2dbcProvide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Reactive Relational Database Connectivity. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a DatabaseClient for core API usage and lightwβ¦
spring-data-relational Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-data-relationalSpring Data Relational
business-dashboard Public template
Forked from DashboardBuilder/business-dashboardDashboard Builder provides software products and services to more than 10,000 organizations and providers, addressing the primary concerns of facilitating the complex process of data analytics, ETLβ¦
1 UpdatedAug 16, 2022 -
Mausr Public
Forked from NightElfik/MausrSimple neural network library and web-based recognizer of hand drawn Unicode symbols.
poor-mans-react Public
Forked from nikeee/poor-mans-reactUnderstanding React by implementing some of its core concepts in a simple manner.
umap-learn-feedstock Public
Forked from conda-forge/umap-learn-feedstockA conda-smithy repository for umap-learn.
quantum-link-prediction Public
Forked from Buffoni/quantum-link-predictionWorking repository for the science4cast competition using quantum walks
statusengine Public
Forked from nook24/statusengineNew PHP based MySQL Backend for Naemon and Nagios 4 + responsive web frontend
TsetlinMachine Public
Forked from cair/TsetlinMachineCode and datasets for the Tsetlin Machine
ObjectFlow Public
Forked from wasidennis/ObjectFlowImplemenation of the paper: "Video Segmentation via Object Flow", Y.-H. Tsai, M.-H. Yang and M. J. Black, CVPR 2016
SRAN Public
Forked from husheng12345/SRANStratified Rule-Aware Network for Abstract Visual Reasoning, AAAI 2021
hi-performace-web-layout Public
This example shows the combined use of flex and grid techniques in creating high performance responsive layouts
reinforcement-learning Public
Forked from fakabbir/reinforcement-learning -
awesome-sdn Public
Forked from sdnds-tw/awesome-sdnA awesome list about Software Defined Network (SDN)
DataFed Public
Forked from ORNL/DataFedA Federated Scientific Data Management System
r2dbc-postgresql Public
Forked from pgjdbc/r2dbc-postgresqlPostgresql R2DBC Driver
awesomerank.github.io Public
Forked from awesomerank/awesomerank.github.ioAwesomeRank pages
lite-rx-api-hands-on Public
Forked from reactor/lite-rx-api-hands-onLite Rx API Hands-On with Reactor Core 3
SDE-Interview-Questions Public template
Forked from twowaits/SDE-Interview-QuestionsMost comprehensive list π of tech interview questions π of companies scraped from Geeksforgeeks, CareerCup and Glassdoor.
how-web-works Public
Forked from vasanthk/how-web-worksWhat happens behind the scenes when we type www.google.com in a browser?
1 UpdatedMar 17, 2022 -
english-words Public
Forked from dwyl/english-wordsA text file containing 355k English words
pyflightdata Public
Forked from supercoderz/pyflightdataA simple library to get flight data from various websites from within Python code
NotableQuoraProfiles Public
Forked from patil16nit/NotableQuoraProfilesThe list of notable Quora profiles contributed by tech buddies
1 UpdatedFeb 25, 2022 -
CFAlertViewController Public
Forked from Codigami/CFAlertViewControllerIt is a highly configurable iOS library which allows easy styling with built in styles as well as extra header and footer views so that you can make extremely unique alerts and action sheets.
travelscope Public
Forked from markuslerner/travelscopeInteractive WebGL worldmap of visa-free travel