Tool that poll the operation to remote server and applies them to local/remote server.
To see list of commands available use:
$ go run main.go --help
$ go run main.go migrate --src "mongodb://localhost:27018" --src-username mongomigrate --src-password some-password --src-ssl=false --dst "mongodb://localhost:27019" --dst-username mongomigrate --dst-password some-password --dst-ssl=false
This command copies database entries from the mongod instance running on the host and duplicates operations to the host If you do not need to keep the --src host running during the migration, consider using mongodump and mongorestore or another backup operation, which may be better suited to your operation.
$ docker run --name mongo1 -p 27018:27017 -d mongo mongod --logpath ./tmp/1.log --port 27017 --replSet rs $ docker run --name mongo2 -p 27019:27017 -d mongo mongod --logpath ./tmp/1.log --port 27017 --replSet rs
Legecy mongo running into docker container:
$ docker exec -it mongo1 mongo admin
rs.initiate({_id: 'rs', members: [ {_id: 1, host:'localhost:27017'}]}) db.createUser({ user: 'mongooplog', pwd: 'some-password', roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] }); db.createRole( { role: "anyAction", privileges: [ { resource: { anyResource: true }, actions: [ "anyAction" ] } ], roles: [] }) db.grantRolesToUser("mongooplog",["anyAction"])
db.createUser({ user: 'mongooplog', pwd: 'some-password', roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] }); db.createRole( { role: "anyAction", privileges: [ { resource: { anyResource: true }, actions: [ "anyAction" ] } ], roles: [] })
$ go run main.go migrate --src "mongodb://localhost:27018" --src-username mongomigrate --src-password some-password --src-ssl=false --dst "mongodb://localhost:27019" --dst-username mongomigrate --dst-password some-password --dst-ssl=false
Try adding, deleting and modify some records in mongo1 server on host/container and check if they persist in mongo2 server. You can also use the status command to check the record count in each cluster.
$ go run main.go status --src "mongodb://localhost:27018" --src-username mongomigrate --src-password some-password --src-ssl=false --dst "mongodb://localhost:27019" --dst-username mongomigrate --dst-password some-password --dst-ssl=false