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All the useful android library for android developer

List useful library for android

1. Important library

  1. Retrofit2: is a type-safe and the best HTTP-Client for Android and Java. It's very easy to use and have all the thing that you need to interact with you RESTFul Backend.
  2. RxJava/RxAndroid: a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. We can combine RxJava with Retrofit2 to push all elements on a stream and process them effectively.
  3. Gson: To convert an Object to JSON and vice versa.
  4. JodaTime: If you working with Date Time a lot, the Date() class in Java is not useful in so many case. Use JodaTime instead, you'll love it.
  5. Dagger2: is a compile-time evolution approach to dependency injection. It's very useful but using it effectively is very hard and may make you android project reach error 64kMethod. Then you must enable multidex.
  6. Android Architecture Blueprints: This repo contain a lot of architecture(MVP, MVVM) in android programing. If your an android developer, you cannot ignore this repository.
  7. Realm: Realm is a mobile database and a replacement for SQLite. It's faster than SQLite, easy to use...
  8. EventBus: is an Android optimized publish/subscribe event bus. You can push data from Activity, and others activity/service/fragment will receive that data and process them. It's very useful and easy to use. But if you use RxJava/RxAndroid, you can create your own EventBus.
  9. ButterKnife: almost android developer known this library. It's help you aboid writing boilerplate code (findViewById...). You should using Butterknife Zenezly plugin in Android Studio to auto generate code.
  10. Retrolambda: If using jdk7, you must have Retrolambda to writing lambda expression. JDK 8 already support Lambda.
  11. RxPermissions: Request runtime permissions on android 6+

2. View Library

  1. Picasso/Glide: The best library for loading image into view
  2. CircleImageView: When you need your image being circle, with border, with background...
  3. Expandable RecyclerView: When you need to implement an expandble recycler view, this library will save your time a lot. It's very easy to use and similar with RecyclerView.
  4. Material Dialog: Beautiful dialog
  5. MPAndroidChart: is a powerful & easy to use chart library for Android
  6. Toasty: Colorful your toast
  7. CameraFragment: Just implement it to using camera. You don't need to write verbose code

3. Exploring

  1. Lottie: This is a library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with Bodymovin (After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG/Canvas/HTML + JavaScript) and renders them natively on mobile.
  2. Chuck: Chuck intercepts and persists all HTTP requests and responses inside your application, and provides a UI for inspecting their content.
  3. ShimmerRecyclerView: Add Shimmer effect to your recycler view like facebook app
  4. MaterialAbout: Create your about activity with a few line of code


all the useful android library for android developer







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