Datalad dataset that provides all data resources of the
module of Connectome Mapper 3 (
stores all data resources (gcs atlas files and colortable) for Lausanne 2008 parcellation -
stores gradient tables and ODF direction files used by CMP2 -
contains all GRAPHML and Freesurfer Color LUT for Native Freesurfer, Lausanne 2008 and Lausanne 2018 parcellations, with additional annot files for Lausanne 2018 -
provides templates for brain extraction (ANTS template IXI and ANTS MICCAI2012 multi-atlas challenge) and for thalamic nuclei segmentation
Git-annexed data are hosted @
Work supported by the Sinergia SNFNS-170873 Grant.
CMTKLIB-data is published to Zenodo. If you use CMTKLIB-data in your work, please acknowledge it with the following citation:
Tourbier, S., Aleman-Gomez, Y., Mullier, Emeline, Griffa, A., Bach Cuadra, M., & Hagmann, P.. (2021). connectomicslab/CMTKLIB-data: CMTKLIB-data v1.X (Version v1.X) [Data set]. Zenodo.
This dataset is licensed under CC BY 4.0. See license for more details.
All trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective holders.
Copyright (C) 2009-2021, Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland & Contributors.