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byte ports don't actually work for the kind of data manipulation I wa…
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tiagosr committed Sep 25, 2014
1 parent 37591a7 commit 9b8e2f7
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 23 deletions.
66 changes: 43 additions & 23 deletions racket/plasm.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(define (set-label label)
(hash-set! (%section-labels %current-section) label (%label label @)))
(define (get-label label)
(hash-ref (%section-labels %current-section) label (lambda () (%label-promise (list label) (lambda () (get-label label))))))
(hash-ref (%section-labels %current-section) label (lambda () (%label-promise (list label) (lambda () (%label-pos (get-label label)))))))

(define-values (+a -a /a *a %or %and %xor)
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(%and #xffffffff (<< val (*a 32 n))))
(define big-endian #f)

(define %bytes (open-output-bytes))
(define %bytes (list))
(define %big-endian% #f)
(define %promises (list))

(define (asm-write-byte b)
(if (%label-promise? b)
([*@ @])
(write-byte 0 %bytes)
(set! %promises (append %promises (list (lambda () (begin (@= *@)
(asm-write-byte (%label-promise-calculate b))))))))
(write-byte (%and 255 (floor (inexact->exact b))) %bytes))
(@+ 1)))
;(printf "writing byte ~a at ~a~n" b @)
(cond [(%label-promise? b)
([*@ @])
(asm-write-byte 0)
(set! %promises (append %promises (list (lambda () (begin (@= *@)
(asm-write-byte ((%label-promise-calculate b)))))))))]
[(%label? b) (asm-write-byte (%label-pos b))]
[(symbol? b) (asm-write-byte (get-label b))]
[else (let
[(head (take %bytes @))
(tail (if (< @ (length %bytes))
(drop %bytes (+ 1 @))
(set! %bytes (append head (list (%and 255 (floor (inexact->exact b)))) tail))
(@+ 1))])
(define (asm-write-byte-list l)
(for-each asm-write-byte l))

Expand All @@ -208,18 +217,18 @@
(asm-write-byte-list (asm-flatten rest)))
(define (dw . rest)
(case %big-endian%
[(#t) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (λ (n) (list (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 0 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]
[(#f) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (λ (n) (list (asm-b 0 n) (asm-b 1 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]))
[(#t) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (lambda (n) (list (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 0 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]
[(#f) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (lambda (n) (list (asm-b 0 n) (asm-b 1 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]))
(define (dd . rest)
(case %big-endian%
[(#t) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (λ (n) (list (asm-b 3 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 0 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]
[(#f) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (λ (n) (list (asm-b 0 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 3 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]))
[(#t) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (lambda (n) (list (asm-b 3 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 0 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]
[(#f) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (lambda (n) (list (asm-b 0 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 3 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]))
(define (dq . rest)
(case %big-endian%
[(#t) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (λ (n) (list (asm-b 7 n) (asm-b 6 n) (asm-b 5 n) (asm-b 4 n)
(asm-b 3 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 0 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]
[(#f) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (λ (n) (list (asm-b 0 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 3 n)
(asm-b 4 n) (asm-b 5 n) (asm-b 6 n) (asm-b 7 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]))
[(#t) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (lambda (n) (list (asm-b 7 n) (asm-b 6 n) (asm-b 5 n) (asm-b 4 n)
(asm-b 3 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 0 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]
[(#f) (for-each asm-write-byte-list (map (lambda (n) (list (asm-b 0 n) (asm-b 1 n) (asm-b 2 n) (asm-b 3 n)
(asm-b 4 n) (asm-b 5 n) (asm-b 6 n) (asm-b 7 n))) (asm-flatten rest)))]))
(define (dsb count value)
(for-each db (for/list ([i count]) value)))
(define (dsw count value)
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(let [(arch (%architecture name endianess recognizer))]
(hash-set! %architectures name arch)))

(define (label-code-inside-list l labels)
(if (and (list? l)
(< 1 (length l)))
(append (list (car l)) (map (lambda (q) (if (member q labels)
(get-label q)
(label-code-inside-list q labels))) (cdr l)))

(define (label-code code labels)
(map (match-lambda
[(? label? lbl) `(set-label ',(unlabelize lbl))]
[rest `,rest]) code))
[rest `,rest]) (label-code-inside-list code labels)))

(define (asm-keyword thing ops)
(match thing
Expand All @@ -360,19 +376,23 @@
(define %current-architecture% 'null)
(define (asm code)
(let* [(old-big-endian %big-endian%)
(labels (look-for-labels code))
(labels (map unlabelize (look-for-labels code)))
(labeled-code (label-code code labels))
(big-endian (%architecture-big-endian (hash-ref %architectures %current-architecture%)))
(recognizer (%architecture-recognizer (hash-ref %architectures %current-architecture%)))
(old-bytes %bytes)
(new-bytes (open-output-bytes))]
(new-bytes (list))]
(set! %promises (list))
(set! %bytes new-bytes)
(set! %big-endian% big-endian)
;(display labels)
(for-each (lambda (op) (asm-keyword op recognizer)) labeled-code)
(for-each (lambda (promise) (promise)) %promises)
(set! %big-endian% old-big-endian)
(set! new-bytes %bytes)
(set! %bytes old-bytes)
(values (get-output-bytes new-bytes) %promises)))
(values new-bytes)))

(make-architecture 'null #f %asm-base)

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