The Weights and Biases client is an open source library, CLI (wandb), and local web application for organizing and analyzing your machine learning experiments. Think of it as a framework-agnostic lightweight TensorBoard that persists additional information such as the state of your code, system metrics, and configuration parameters.
- Store config parameters used in a training run
- Associate version control with your training runs
- Search, compare, and visualize training runs
- Analyze system usage metrics alongside runs
- Collaborate with team members
- Run parameter sweeps
- Persist runs forever
pip install wandb
In your training script:
import wandb
from wandb.keras import WandbCallback
# Your custom arguments defined here
args = ...
run = wandb.init(config=args)
run.config["more"] = "custom"
def training_loop():
while True:
# Do some machine learning
epoch, loss, val_loss = ...
# Framework agnostic / custom metrics
run.history.add({"epoch": epoch, "loss": loss, "val_loss": val_loss})
# Keras metrics, callbacks=[WandbCallback()])
Running your training script will save data in a directory named wandb relative to your training script. To view your runs, call wandb board
from the same directory as your training script.
Signup for an account, then run wandb init
from the directory with your training script. You can checkin wandb/settings to version control to enable other users on your team to share experiments. Run your script with wandb run
and all metadata will be synced to the cloud.
Framework specific and detailed usage can be found in our documentation.