Basic autocomplete java programme with CLI interface
###Outline This programme reads in values from a list of values aand stores them in memory. Then the user can search against these terms for a prefix such as "Hel" for the word "Hello". You can also specify the mode to use (quick or brute force). It has been designed to be easy to use, implementing a basic CLI for interaction
###How to use
Simply run in Eclipse. The user will then see a CLI with the following options 1: Specify a URL 2: Enter prefix 3: Change autocomplete mode (not working)
These options are self-explanatory and very basic, the actual sorting algorithms are the real focus of this project. This project has two sorting algorithms, BruteAutoComplete and QuickAutoComplete.
####BruteAutoComplete Uses a for loop to iterate through all of the terms in the ./wiki.txt file in the root of the programme and matches the input terms with the terms stored in the file. Basic but very time consuming for larger data sets.
####QuickAutoComplete (not implemented fully) Uses Java's built in BinarySearch algorithm to perform searches against the ./wiki.txt file. Very fast but requires that the input list is sorted alphabetically.