Pixnet Hackathon 2015: pixnethackathon2015
Deck: 歐噴。豆知識
「歐噴豆知識」是把廣告轉換成 open data 豆知識的擴充套件,使用者能訂閱感興趣的 open data,它會很厲害的把你不想看的廣告遮掉,讓您輕鬆獲得豆知識,無負擔。另外,我們也提供熱門豆知識排行榜!
We proposed adblocker-liked knowledge ads extension on chrome. User could select their interest topics for TW open data and random mapping the topics over ads. Besides, we also provide leader board to show which topics get highest rating !
Keyword: Chrome extension, javascript, jQuery, Storage API