JBD_BMS_BLE_VESC_EXPRESS_BRIDGE: An ESP32 firmware and companion LispBM script to connect multiple JBD BLE BMSs to VESC-EXPRESS via ESPNOW
D-314 / IP2368-Arduino-Library
Forked from InterfaceGUI/IP2368.hAn Arduino library for interfacing with the IP236x IC. Provides functionalities for reading and managing charging states, battery percentage, and more.
100W USB C PD Lithium Ion charging PCB based on the TPS25750D and BQ25713
Collection of various development boards for microcontrollers (e.g., CH55x, CH32, PY32, STC8, STM32) and accompanying example software.
Lipo Battery Charger with USB C Power Delivery Based on the STM32G0
Repo for PicoPD Pro hardware/software and documentation
Relys / vesc_express
Forked from contactsimonwilson/vesc_expressThe source code for the VESC Express
Here I'll be documenting and providing a guide on how to hack your roomba to make it remote control. Among other interesting things like custom cleaning algorithms, attaching radar and sonar, and a…
Fajdiga / bldcJetFleet
Forked from vedderb/bldcThe VESC motor control firmware
Development board for ESP32-P4 Dual core RISCV processor from Espressif
Espressif 32: pioarduino community platform compatible with PlatformIO
Active Bluetooth BR/EDR Sniffer/Injector as cheap as any ESP32 board can get. Works with Scapy ;-)
Fusee Launcher for the SparkFun SAMD21 breakout boards
Backup project of sam-fusee-launcher-internal with ely-m modifications
vedderb / bldc-hardware
Forked from mrkindustries/bldcBrushless DC Motor controller from Benjamin Vedder
Custom component for ESPHome to add support for the Emporia Vue 2 energy monitor
Provide esp-idf or micropython the software-serial module.
Enphase-API is an unofficial project providing an API wrapper (including local/LAN Gateway API) and the documentation for Enphase®'s products and services.
Matter IoT protocol library for ESP32 working on Arduino framework