Hope you are having a nice day! Here's a little about me:
📝 Successfully completed Masters in Business Analytics (MSBA) from National University of Singapore (NUS). Trust me, it was a struggle with a part-time job as a Senior Data Engineer, relieved to have this accomplishment
👩🏻🦱 Volunteering with Women Devs SG (formerly Women Who Code) Singapore, which is a group of wonderful talented ladies and diverse allies driven to help women excel in tech careers, spread inclusivity of historicallly isolated groups and grow together. With the opportunity to mentor in DS/ML/AI and host a couple of events, I'm excited to continue my journey!
🔭 Exploratory Data Analysis works-out my brain the most. I occasionally elaborate the process on my blog called WorkOutData(created using fastpages.ai, now migrated to Quarto)
👩🏻💻 Coding has been a part of me since 2010, ever since I've always felt associated. Problem solving through automation and code stimulates my brain the most, hence drives me forward.
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, MLOps, REST APIs
📫 Reach me at [email protected] to discuss ideas and collaborate. Would be glad to connect on LinkedIn
- Image Classification - Classify faces using Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms
- Image Classification Facial Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- HR Analytics - Cost Cutting In Human Resource Management Through Employee Churn Prediction
- Setup Virtual Environment in Jupyter Notebook for Windows (MacOS coming soon!)
A Customary statistics minireport for maintaining updated GitHub profile aesthetics (aka developer peer pressure 😅)
Grateful for your visit! Hope you enjoy exploring my repositories. For issues, questions, contributions please feel free to reach out me @[email protected] or connect on LinkedIn.