Demo application
Build this application in your local env using command -
docker build -t my-go-app .
Run this application using below command -
docker run -p 8080:8081 -it my-go-app
or in detached mode
docker run -p 8080:8081 -d my-go-app
Awesome, if we open up http://localhost:8080 within our browser, we should see that our application is successfully responding with Hello, "/".
To run it in cloud, k8s is used and few required objects in the cluster are created as mentioned below.
- certificate
- ingress
- deployment
- service
- service-account
Note - Infra for this application to run is created in
Create below mentioned env variables in CircleCi with respective values
CLUSTER_NAME = demo-application CLUSTER_REGION = europe-west1 GCP_CREDS = <cicd-pipeline serviceaccount json key data> GCP_PROJECT = jagendra-atal-prakash-contino IMAGE_NAME = demo-application
deployment.yaml file is the only place where 2 variables (IMAGE & VERSION) have to be substituted which is done already in pipeline as given below
cat k8s/*.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
Create multi-tenant environment using seperate namespace and move application to spicific namespace
Introduce podsecuritypolicy to achieve least privelage best practice
Introduce securitycontext and container must not run as root
Introduce Horizontal Pod Autoscaler/Vertical Pod Autoscaler accordingly
Introduce LimitRange for deployments
Review "Smoke test" step in pipeline and improve that accordingly