Real-time, RGB-colored, Depth-Inertial Indoor Odometry for ToF RGB-D cameras. (Intel Realsense L515 as an example)
The RGB-D camera is an essential sensor in indoor SLAM, often used on lightweight robots. However, limited by computing cost, many RGB-D SLAM systems do not fully use the multi-modal information of cameras, resulting in degeneration and low accuracy in some scenes. This letter introduces a novel, lightweight, real-time, and RGB-colored depth-inertial SLAM system for ToF RGB-D cameras. To improve robustness by using texture and structure information simultaneously, it extracts line features from RGB images and plane features from depth images efficiently based on agglomerative clustering. When matching features, the line and plane direction vector is used to filter the mismatching and enhance real-time. The IMU measurements are used to predict the poses and are tightly coupled in the system by pre-integration. Finally, the system estimates the odometry and builds dense, RGB-colored maps with the following constraints: line and plane matching constraints, IMU pre-integration constraints, and historical odometry constraints. We demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of R$^{2}$DIO in the experiments. The results indicate that our system is able to locate precisely in some challenging scenes, build colorful maps and run at 30 Hz on a low-power system.
A summary video demo can be found at Video
Author: Jie Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Ubuntu 64-bit 20.04.
ROS noetic. ROS Installation
Follow Ceres Installation.
Tested with 2.0
Follow PCL Installation.
Tested with 1.10 (inherent in ros)
For visualization purpose, this package uses hector trajectory sever, you may install the package by
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-noetic-hector-trajectory-server
Alternatively, you may remove the hector trajectory server node if trajectory visualization is not needed
Tested with 4.2.0 (inherent in ros)
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
You may download our recorded data (10GB). If you are in China, you can download the recorded data: office, hall, and display board.
roslaunch R2DIO R2DIO.launch
Note that change the path to your datasets.
If you have new Realsense L515 sensor, you may follow the below setup instructions
You may read official document [L515 Calibration Manual] ( first
use the following command to calibrate imu, note that the build-in imu is a low-grade imu, to get better accurate, you may use your own imu
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ssl_slam3/l515_imu_calibration
Follow Librealsense Installation
Copy realsense_ros package to your catkin folder
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Make Lidar still for 1 sec to estimate the initial bias, otherwise will cause localization failure!
roslaunch R2DIO R2DIO_L515.launch
If you use this work for your research, you may want to cite the paper below, your citation will be appreciated
author={H. {Wang} and C. {Wang} and L. {Xie}},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR},