A small web app that acts as a webhook for your github repo holding your environmental file2consul
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export CONSUL_HOST=your_consul_host
export CONSUL_PORT=your_consul_port #defaults to 80
export CONSUL_TOKEN=your_consul_token #defaults to empty
export CONSUL_DC=your_consul_datacentre #defaults to empty
#run server
python server.py
Then you can go ahead an setup your github webhook following this link
The given Dockerfile builds an env2consul image in an Alpine 3.7 container. Start your env2consul container (named env2consul) with the following command:
docker run --name env2consul -u user -e "CONSUL_HOST=localhost" -e "CONSUL_PORT=8500" -p "5000:5000" --net="host" -itd env2consul
It is required to mount your deploy key into the container in order for the git fetch/clone to work.
Note that we assume there is a Consul agent running in the same instance so env2consul can contact Consul locally.
If you are using Twelve-Factor approach to deliver software, you must be using environmental variables to configure your apps
One of the widely used tools for that is env2consul
This tool works as a webhook handler to receive the changes on a git repo where you are holding you configurations in the form of environmental file2consul
this will create a key called example on your consul server i.e http://consul.myserver.com/v1/kv/example/ under that key you will find key/value pairs as the env above and when ever you push a change it will create/update the current keys
if your files are under a directory path inside your repo "i.e not in the root of your repo" for example env/production/example.env will result into http://consul.myserver.com/v1/kv/production/example/
- delete variables when they are removed from file
- different branches handling
- code quality
- tests