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Quick Start to use our Development Environment


  • A machine with AT LEAST 12 GIGABYTES OF MEMORY
  • Git, at least 2.x
  • Docker, at least 20.x (either Docker Desktop or Docker CE)
  • VSCode, at least 1.63.x

then ASSIGN AT LEAST 6 GIGABYTES TO DOCKER and open the project as follows.

git clone --recurse-submodules
code nuvolaris

VSCode should detect you are using a development container (because of the directory .devcontainer) and ask if you want to use it. Click on the button Reopen in container.

NOTE if the popup does not show up, it is possible you have disabled it. In such a case, click on F1, search for the command Reopen in Container and execute it.

The first time, since it needs to download a large image, it can take some time. It will download the Nuvolaris DevKit and setup a local development Kubernetes cluster using kind.

Once you see the navigation tree, you will also see a few folders named nuvolaris-*. Those subprojects are the actual projects (the top-level project is only an holder).

You can access to the various suprojects settings opening the files workspace.code-workspace in the nuvolaris-* subfolders.

*NOTE If they nuvolaris-* folders are empty, this means you did not use --recurse-submodules when cloning the folders. You can fix this opening a terminal and typing:

git submodule init
git submodule update

This is the procedure to install everything and play with the source code. Usually however you want to work with each subproject individually.

Check our development guide for more informations.

Build and deploy the operator

If you opened the dev container and the workspace you should be able to build and run our operator.

Open a terminal with "Terminal > New Terminal" and select the nuvolaris-operator subproject. A shell will open and setup the environment.

You should have now a Kubernetes-in-Docker (kind) up and running. Check it is working with kubectl get nodes, you should see:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                      STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
nuvolaris-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   7m35s   v1.24.0
nuvolaris-worker          Ready    <none>          7m14s   v1.24.0

If kind is not started (but it should) you can initialize it again with reset.

You can now build everything from sources. There are few steps to perform (all of those are automated in the CLI), but here it is a development environment, so it is better to perform the steps to better investigate failures.

Execute the following steps (while you perform them. you may want to split another terminal on nuvolaris-operator and use task watch to see what is happening):

Now you need a docker registry. The simplest way is to use

So you need to register on github and get a GitHub developer token.

Then configure a .env with at least the following variables (check .env.sample for more).


Replace of course <user> with your actual github user

  1. generate a new image that with task image-tag
  2. push it to the registry with task build-and-push

NOTE: the first time you publish an image, it is private by default. You have to make it public to be able to use it in your local kind cluster.

Once you have the operator image built and public you can deploy Nuvolaris

  1. task permission: apply permissions to deploy
  2. task operator: deploy the operator
  3. task minimal: deploy a minimal openwhisk configuration

Finally configure openwhisk and run a couple of tests (note: it can take a while before all the containers are downloaded and you may need to retry if they timeout):

  1. task config
  2. task hello
  3. task ping

How to contribute

  • Either find an open and unassigned issue, or open one by yourself in the Issue Tracker describing what you want to do.
  • Please discuss with us and ensure you want to do is approved by the project owners, if you want to be sure your PR will be merged We can still merge unsolicited PR, but if you do not discuss it before there is some risk that for some reason we may unable to merge it.
  • Get an issue assigned. Seriously.
  • Code it!

How to submit a contribution

If you want to contribute, YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR CODE UNDER A LICENSE .

Quick way to to it:

  1. Fork the repository where you want to contribute (one of nuvolaris/nuvolaris-*)

  2. Push your changes to your fork

git remote add <user><your-user>/<your-fork>
git push <user> main
  1. Ensure all your contributions have a LICENSE HEADER. We use the Apache License 2.0.

Use license-eye to check: license-eye header check.

If something is not properly licensed, you can fix automatically with:

license-eye header fix

Note that some kind of files are not recognized so you have to fix them adding a license header manually.

  1. Commit, push and send a pull request to us and ask the project owners to review and merge it.

What is the next activity?

We split activities in milestones.

We name milestones after characters of the movies of The Matrix franchise.

We reached the second milestone, Trinity.

The are working on Morpheus.

The milestone to reach when we release 1.0 is Matrix.