Nuvolaris is an Open Source project to build a complete and portable Serverless environment that runs in every Kubernetes.
Technically it is a distribution of Apache OpenWhisk released under the Apache Licence 2.0 (like OpenWhisk itself), that includes other services out of the box.
We want to build a complete distribution of a serverless environment that:
- It is easy to install and manage.
- Potentially runs in every Kubernetes.
- It is tested regularly against a set of supported Kubernetes environments.
- Includes a (possibly large) number of integrated services.
This is the main differentiation from Apache OpenWhisk, as it only provides a basic engine for serverless. Our goals are described in our roadmap document to read about.
If you are in a hurry, here a few starting points:
- Read the documentation.
- Download the latest release of the CLI to install and use Nuvolaris.
- Check our YouTube Channel for our trainings and community calls.
- Discuss with us on our Dicourse forum.
If you are a developer, here a few more resources to read:
- Check our issue tracker for unassigned and open issues.
- Read the Overview and the Roadmap.
- Check the Quick Start for developers, then read the Developer Guide and the Build Guide.