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more refactoring of G2P
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frankseide committed May 3, 2016
1 parent ee06bec commit 0b313d2
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 124 deletions.
181 changes: 91 additions & 90 deletions Examples/SequenceToSequence/Miscellaneous/G2P/G2P.cntk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ command = train:test:write

# experiment id

# 30-2: fixed #samples for momentum calculation
# 30-3: after 'aux' input to LSTMP, in prep for more correct stabiliziation
# 30-4: same as 30-5 but move to new folder and reenabled memsharing
# 30-5: same as 29-5 but rerun with logging of stabilizers
Expand All @@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ command = train:test:write
# 27-2: some refactoring, went back to 26-4 from LMSequenceReader
# 27-1: fixed slicing
# 27-0: incorrect slicing, dropped first input
deviceId = 3
deviceId = 1
ExpId = 30-$deviceId$-g2p
#ExpId = 22-3-g2p # for decoding a different model
decodeModel = 21
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ shareEmbeddings = false

BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = (new ComputationNetwork [

# TODO: remove these
enableTracing = true
traceFrequency = 100
tracingLabelMappingFile = "$ModelDir$/vocab.wl"
Expand All @@ -109,89 +111,89 @@ BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = (new ComputationNetwork [
attentionSpan = $maxLength$ # attention window, must be large ebnough for largest input sequence. 0 to disable. Exactly 20 is needed for the g2p CMUDict task
useBidirectionalEncoder = $isBidirectional$ # bi-directional LSTM for encoder

shareEmbeddings = $shareEmbeddings$
hiddenDim = $hiddenDim$
attentionDim = 128 # dim of attention projection
maxLayer = $maxLayer$ # e.g. 2 for 3 hidden layers

useStabilizer = true
useEncoder = true # if false, this becomes a regular RNN
useNYUStyle = false # if true use thought vector for all inputs, NYU-style

# import some names
Parameters = BS.Parameters
Constants = BS.Constants
Sequences = BS.Sequences
Loop = BS.Loop
Boolean = BS.Boolean

# dimensions
inputEmbeddingDim = inputVocabDim # 300
labelEmbeddingDim = labelVocabDim # 300
shareEmbeddings = $shareEmbeddings$
hiddenDim = $hiddenDim$
attentionDim = 128 # dim of attention projection
maxLayer = $maxLayer$
embeddingDim = 300
inputEmbeddingDim = if inputVocabDim < 300 then inputVocabDim else embeddingDim
labelEmbeddingDim = if labelVocabDim < 300 then labelVocabDim else embeddingDim

encoderDims[i:0..maxLayer] = hiddenDim # this defines the number of hidden layers in each
decoderDims[i:0..maxLayer] = hiddenDim # both are one LSTM layer only for now

# inputs

# Inputs must be defined on top-scope level in order to get a clean name.
useCNTKTextFormatReader = $useCNTKTextFormatReader$
#input = if !useCNTKTextFormatReader then Input (inputVocabDim, tag='feature') else Fail("'input' defined when using the CNTKTextFormatReader") # LMSequenceReader

inputAxis = DynamicAxis()
//labelsAxis = DynamicAxis()
src = /*Sparse*/Input (inputVocabDim, dynamicAxis=inputAxis) # CNTKTextFormatReader --TODO: may need to guard as well
tgt = /*Sparse*/Input ($labelVocabSize$/*labelVocabDim*//*, dynamicAxis=labelsAxis*/)
# enable this for LMSequenceReader
#rawInput = Input (inputVocabDim, tag='feature')
#rawLabels = rawInput

# enable this for CNTKTextFormatReader
rawInput = src
rawLabels = tgt
inputAxis = DynamicAxis() # axes must be defined on top-scope level to get a clean name
src = /*Sparse*/Input (inputVocabDim, dynamicAxis=inputAxis)
tgt = /*Sparse*/Input (labelVocabDim)

# get out input and label data
# This will go away once we can switch to CNTKTextFormatReader.
# TODO: This needs more sorting-out.
streams = [
rawInput = input
out = if isAutoencoder
then [
# for an auto-encoder, both are the same
input = rawInput
# strip separators
labels = Slice (1, 0, rawInput, axis=-1) # e.g. A B C </s>
labelSentenceStart = First (rawInput)
labels = rawInput
else if useCNTKTextFormatReader then [
input = TraceSparse (src, 'inp')
#tgt1 = RowStack (tgt : ConstantTensor (0, labelVocabDim-$labelVocabSize$)) # pad with zeroes, just like the LMSequenceReader
labels = TraceSparse ( Slice (1, 0, tgt, axis=-1), 'lbl') # e.g. A B C </s>
labelSentenceStart = First (tgt)
labels = TraceSparse (tgt, 'lbl')
else [
# we encode input and label as a single input; this splits it into two
# This dance will become unnecessary once the new Reader API is fully hooked in.
separatorRow = 2 # row index of separator symbokl
isSeparator = RowSlice (separatorRow, 1, rawInput) # cut out the separator as a flag
inInput = Boolean.Or (FutureValue (1, inInput , defaultHiddenActivation=0), isSeparator) # flag sequence: word is input...
inLabels = Boolean.Or (PastValue (1, inLabels, defaultHiddenActivation=0), isSeparator) # ...or labels
input = Sequences.Gather (inInput, rawInput) # use flags to split raw input into input and labels
labels1 = Sequences.Gather (inLabels, rawInput) # (both have different lengths)
# strip separators
labels = Slice (1, 0, labels1, axis=-1) # e.g. A B C </s>
labelSentenceStart = First (labels1)
separatorRow = 2 # row index of separator symbokl
isSeparator = RowSlice (separatorRow, 1, rawInput) # cut out the separator as a flag
inInput = BS.Boolean.Or (FutureValue (1, inInput , defaultHiddenActivation=0), isSeparator) # flag sequence: word is input...
inLabels = BS.Boolean.Or (PastValue (1, inLabels, defaultHiddenActivation=0), isSeparator) # ...or labels
input = BS.Sequences.Gather (inInput, rawInput) # use flags to split raw input into input and labels
labels = BS.Sequences.Gather (inLabels, rawInput) # (both have different lengths)
inputSequence = Pass (streams.input) # e.g. <s> A B C </s>
labelSequence = Pass (streams.labels) # e.g. A B C </s>
labelSentenceStart = First (streams.labelSentenceStart) # e.g. <s>

# inputs and labels are expected to be surrounded by sentence delimiters, e.g. <s> A B C </s> ==> <s> D E F </s>
# The encoder uses all tokens of 'input', while the labels used exclude the initial sentence start, which is only used as the LM history.

inputSequence = Pass (streams.input) # e.g. <s> A B C </s>
labelSequence = Pass (Slice (1, 0, streams.labels, axis=-1)) # e.g. D E F </s>
labelSentenceStart = Pass (BS.Sequences.First (streams.labels)) # e.g. <s>

#labelSequence = Pass (streams.labels) # e.g. A B C </s>

inputSequenceDim = inputVocabDim # TODO: they are the same; but route these through the struct above
labelSequenceDim = labelVocabDim

# helpers --TODO: move to
First (x) = Slice (0, 1, x, axis=-1)
Last (x) = Slice (-1, 0, x, axis=-1)

isFirstLabel = Loop.IsFirst (labelSequence)
isFirstLabel = BS.Loop.IsFirst (labelSequence)

# embeddings --as long as we cannot read multiple sequences, we got one embedding
# Note: Embeddings are linear, so better stabilize. We really should use BatchNorm.

# Note: Embeddings are linear. Should we use BatchNormalization?

# note: this is assumed to be applied transposed, hence the swapped dimensions. Actually--why? Still needed?
Einput = Parameters.WeightParam (inputSequenceDim, inputEmbeddingDim)
Elabels = if shareEmbeddings then Einput else Parameters.WeightParam (labelSequenceDim, labelEmbeddingDim)
Einput = BS.Parameters.WeightParam (inputSequenceDim, inputEmbeddingDim)
Elabels = if shareEmbeddings then Einput else BS.Parameters.WeightParam (labelSequenceDim, labelEmbeddingDim)
EmbedInput (x) = if inputSequenceDim == inputEmbeddingDim then x else TransposeTimes (Einput, x)
EmbedLabels (x) = if labelSequenceDim == labelEmbeddingDim then x else TransposeTimes (Elabels, x)

Expand All @@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = (new ComputationNetwork [
labelSentenceStartEmbedded = Pass (EmbedLabels (labelSentenceStart)) # TODO: remove Pass() if not actually needed in decoder
labelSentenceStartEmbeddedScattered = BS.Sequences.Scatter (isFirstLabel, labelSentenceStartEmbedded) # unfortunately needed presently

S(x) = Parameters.Stabilize (x, enabled=useStabilizer)
S(x) = BS.Parameters.Stabilize (x, enabled=useStabilizer)

# encoder (processes inputEmbedded)
Expand All @@ -221,72 +223,70 @@ BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = (new ComputationNetwork [
# 3. attention

thoughtVector = [
h = Last (encoderOutput.h)
c = Last (encoderOutput.c)
h = BS.Sequences.Last (encoderOutput.h)
c = BS.Sequences.Last (encoderOutput.c)
dim = encoderOutput.dim

thoughtVectorPadded = [ # padded with zeroes until end of target sequence
h = Sequences.BroadcastSequenceAs (labelsEmbedded, thoughtVector.h)
c = Sequences.BroadcastSequenceAs (labelsEmbedded, thoughtVector.c)
h = BS.Sequences.BroadcastSequenceAs (labelsEmbedded, thoughtVector.h)
c = BS.Sequences.BroadcastSequenceAs (labelsEmbedded, thoughtVector.c)
dim = thoughtVector.dim

# NYU style: expand h to all, drop c
# TODO: just use use thoughtVectorPadded.h (do this when we next test this branch again)
thoughtVectorEverywhere = Boolean.If (Loop.IsFirst (thoughtVectorPadded.h), # if first entry
/*then*/ thoughtVectorPadded.h, # then copy that
/*else*/ Loop.Previous (thoughtVectorEverywhere)) # else just propagate to the front
# TODO: use thoughtVectorPadded.h --TODO: use the new LSTM with augmentation

# decoder
# NYU style:
# The decoder starts with hidden state 0
# and takes as input [thoughtVectorEverywhere; previous word].

# we bake into the LSTMs to multiply h and c with beamSearchReorderHook, which we will patch in decoding
# ReorderTopN (past_h_or_c) = Times (TraceState (past_h_or_c, 'past'), TraceDense (tokens.from, 'backp'))

# decoder
# decoder reordering hook: propagation of beam hypotheses

beamSearchReorderHook = Pass (Constants.OnesTensor (1:1))
# we bake into the LSTMs to multiply h and c with beamSearchReorderHook, which we will patch in decoding
# For beam decoding, this matrix will be replaced by a per-sample matrix that reorders hypotheses according to
# how they propagate. E.g. the 2nd best in a frame may be the history of the 3rd best in the subsequent frame

# helper functions to delay h and c with possibility to later hook in a different matrix
beamSearchReorderHook = Pass (BS.Constants.OnesTensor (1:1))

PreviousHCFromThoughtVectorWithReorderingHook (lstmState) = [ # with thought vector and beam-search hook
isFirst = Loop.IsFirst (initialState.h)
# BUGBUG: Should be thoughtVector, but Scatter() can't expand from inside a loop
h = Boolean.If (isFirst, thoughtVectorPadded.h, Loop.Previous (lstmState.h * beamSearchReorderHook)) // hidden state(t-1)
c = Boolean.If (isFirst, thoughtVectorPadded.c, Loop.Previous (lstmState.c * beamSearchReorderHook)) // cell(t-1)
# helper functions to delay h and c that apply beam-search reordering, if so configured

PreviousHCWithReorderingHook (lstmState) = [
h = BS.Loop.Previous (lstmState.h * beamSearchReorderHook) // hidden state(t-1)
c = BS.Loop.Previous (lstmState.c * beamSearchReorderHook) // cell(t-1)
dim = lstmState.dim

PreviousHCWithReorderingHook (lstmState) = [
h = Loop.Previous (lstmState.h * beamSearchReorderHook) // hidden state(t-1)
c = Loop.Previous (lstmState.c * beamSearchReorderHook) // cell(t-1)
PreviousHCFromThoughtVectorWithReorderingHook (lstmState) = [ # with both thought vector and beam-search hook
isFirst = BS.Loop.IsFirst (initialState.h)
# BUGBUG: Should be thoughtVector, but Scatter() can't expand from inside a loop
h = BS.Boolean.If (isFirst, thoughtVectorPadded.h, BS.Loop.Previous (lstmState.h * beamSearchReorderHook)) # hidden state(t-1)
c = BS.Boolean.If (isFirst, thoughtVectorPadded.c, BS.Loop.Previous (lstmState.c * beamSearchReorderHook)) # cell(t-1)
dim = lstmState.dim

# decoder history hook: LM history, from ground truth vs. output

decoderHistoryFromGroundTruth = labelsEmbedded # decoder input for training is ground truth...
decoderHistoryFromOutput = Pass (EmbedLabels (Hardmax (z))) # ...but for (greedy) decoding, the decoder's output is its input

# during training, we use ground truth. For decoding, we will rewire decoderHistoryHook = decoderHistoryFromOutput
decoderHistoryHook = Pass (decoderHistoryFromGroundTruth) # this gets redirected in decoding to feed back decoding output instead

decoderInput = Pass (Boolean.If (isFirstLabel/*Loop.IsFirst (labelSentenceStartEmbeddedScattered)*/, labelSentenceStartEmbeddedScattered, Loop.Previous (decoderHistoryHook)))
decoderInputDim = labelEmbeddingDim #labelsEmbedded.dim
decoderInput = Pass (BS.Boolean.If (isFirstLabel, labelSentenceStartEmbeddedScattered, BS.Loop.Previous (decoderHistoryHook)))
decoderInputDim = labelEmbeddingDim

decoderDynamicAxis = labelsEmbedded
FixedWindowAttentionHook = BS.Seq2Seq.CreateAugmentWithFixedWindowAttentionHook (attentionDim, attentionSpan, decoderDynamicAxis, encoderOutput, enableSelfStabilization=useStabilizer)

# decoder

# TODO: collapse this into a single first-layer function; factor to lib; then merge with RecurrentLSTMPStack()
# NYU style: The decoder starts with hidden state 0 and takes as input [thoughtVectorPadded.h; previous word].
decoderOutputLayer = Length (decoderDims)-1
decoder[i:0..decoderOutputLayer] =
if i == 0
then if useEncoder && useNYUStyle then BS.RNNs.RecurrentLSTMP (decoderDims[i], cellDim=decoderDims[i],
RowStack (S(thoughtVectorEverywhere) : S(decoderInput)), inputDim=(thoughtVector.dim + decoderInputDim),
RowStack (S(thoughtVectorPadded.h) : S(decoderInput)), inputDim=(thoughtVector.dim + decoderInputDim),
else if useEncoder && attentionSpan > 0 then BS.RNNs.RecurrentLSTMP (decoderDims[i], cellDim=decoderDims[i],
Expand All @@ -306,23 +306,25 @@ BrainScriptNetworkBuilder = (new ComputationNetwork [
#decoderDim = decoderOutput.dim
decoderDim = decoderDims[decoderOutputLayer]

# and add a softmax layer on top
# softmax output layer

W = Parameters.WeightParam (labelSequenceDim, decoderDim)
B = Parameters.BiasParam (labelSequenceDim)
W = BS.Parameters.WeightParam (labelSequenceDim, decoderDim)
B = BS.Parameters.BiasParam (labelSequenceDim)

z = W * S(decoderOutput) + B; // top-level input to Softmax

# training criteria

ce = NewCrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labelSequence, z, tag='criterion')
ce = Pass (ReduceLogSum (z) - ReduceSum (labelSequence .* z ), tag='criterion')
errs = Pass (BS.Constants.One - ReduceSum (labelSequence .* Hardmax (z)), tag='evaluation')

#ce2 = Negate (ReduceSum (labelSequence .* LogSoftmax (z)), tag='evaluation')
#ce1 = CrossEntropyWithSoftmax (labelSequence, z, tag='evaluation') // this is the training objective
#errs = ErrorPrediction (labelSequence, z, tag='evaluation') // this also gets tracked
cors = ReduceSum (labelSequence .* Hardmax (z), tag='evaluation')
errs = Pass (Constants.One - cors, tag='evaluation')

# score output for decoding
scoreSequence = Pass (z)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,8 +396,8 @@ train = [
#minibatchSize = 64:64:128:256
minibatchSize = 70:70:70:140:280
learningRatesPerSample = 0.0035*2:0.002 #0.01 #0.005 # 0.01
momentumAsTimeConstant = 1500 #2500
gradientClippingWithTruncation = true # TODO: clip and truncate? What is the difference?
momentumAsTimeConstant = 1000 #2500
gradientClippingWithTruncation = true # (as opposed to clipping the Frobenius norm of the matrix)
clippingThresholdPerSample = 1 #15.0 # 1#visibly impacts objectives, but not final result, so keep it for safety
maxEpochs = 50
numMBsToShowResult = 100
Expand All @@ -406,7 +408,6 @@ train = [
# tracing (enable these for debugging)
#traceNodeNamesReal = labelsEmbedded:decoderInput:"decoder[0]":z.Plus_left.Times_right.result:z:ce
#traceNodeNamesReal = labelsEmbedded:decoderInput:z:ce
#traceNodeNamesReal = thoughtVectorEverywhere.result:zMask:z:ce:wer:indexTestVals:index:packedIndex:filtered:unfiltered:isTraining
#traceNodeNamesCategory = inputSequence.out:labelSequence

dropoutRate = 0.0
Expand Down

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