The Corbado Python SDK provides convenient access to the Corbado Backend API from applications written in the Python language.
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- Python 3.8 or later
Use the following command to install the Corbado Python SDK:
pip install passkeys
To create a Corbado Python SDK instance you need to provide your Project ID
and API secret
which can be found at the Developer Panel.
config: Config = Config(project_id="{project_id}", api_secret="{api_secret}")
sdk = CorbadoSDK(config=config)
- Check Python Django example
- Check Python Flask example
- Check Python FastAPI example
- Check integration tests here
The Corbado Python SDK provides the following services:
for managing sessions (example flask app)users
for managing users (examples)identifiers
for managing login identifiers (examples)
To use a specific service, such as users
, invoke it as shown below:
user_service: UserService = sdk.users
The Corbado Python SDK raises exceptions for all errors. The following exceptions are thrown:
for failed validations (client side)ServerException
for server errors (server side)TokenValidationException
for errors in session service (client side)StandardException
for everything else (client side)
returns a UserEntity
as a result of token validation. If the token is invalid for any reason,
a TokenValidationException
is thrown. It provides detailed information on the error.
If no error, is thrown, the session_token
is valid and you can use the UserEntity
user: UserEntity = sdk.sessions.validate_token(session_token)
except TokenValidationException:
# handle error..
If the Backend API returns a HTTP status code other than 200, the Corbado Python SDK throws a ServerException
. The ServerException
class provides convenient methods to access all important data:
# Try to get non-existing user with ID 'usr-123456789'
except ServerException as e:
# Show HTTP status code (404 in this case)
print(f"Status Code: {e.http_status_code}")
# Show request ID (can be used in developer panel to look up the full request
# and response, see https://app.corbado.com/app/logs/requests)
print(f"Request id: {e.request_id}")
# Show full request data
print(f"Request data: {e.request_data}")
# Show runtime of request in seconds (server side)
print(f"Runtime: {e.runtime}")
# Show error type (not_found)
print(f"Error type: {e.error_type}")
# Show full error data
print(f"Full error: {e.error}")
Create a virtual environment and install packages -
python3 -m venv venv_name
source venv_name/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
(Add venv_name to "exclude" list in .flake8, otherwise flake8 will lint the generated venv)
Add environment variables for tests (use the test project from secrets repositoty) -
export CORBADO_API_SECRET=corbado1_123456
export CORBADO_PROJECT_ID=pro-123456
export CORBADO_BACKEND_API="https://backendapi.cloud.corbado.io"
Run all tests using -
tox run -e py38
The tox tests are configured to run on Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 (you need to remove "-e py38" tox argument)
Run linting and mypy:
mypy -p corbado_python_sdk --exclude generated --strict --disable-error-code attr-defined
flake8 .
Use Version file as single source of truth for version control.
Use VSCode with provided project/extentions configuration .vscode/settings.json
Use the recommended extentions from .vscode/extentions.json and explore their functionality to achieve expected code quality by integration tests:
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please open an issue.
Join our Slack channel to discuss questions or ideas with the Corbado team and other developers.
You can also reach out to us via email at [email protected].
Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private to [email protected]. Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security vulnerabilities.