AEM Solr Search provides an intergration between AEM (CQ) and Apache Solr. It includes the following features:
- SolrJ OSGi bundle
- Suite of search UI components (i.e., facets, search input fields, pagination, etc.)
- Server-side proxy
- Quick start distribution of Apache Solr 4.9 (intended for development use only).
- Geometrixx Media sample intergration with Solr.
Note: This README uses Google Analytics for tracking site visits using:
- Java 7 or greater
- Adobe AEM (CQ) 5.6.1 (with the Geometrixx Media Site)
- Maven 3
These instructions assume that AEM (CQ) is running on localhost on port 4502 with the default admin/admin credentials.
Start AEM/CQ.
Deploy AEM Solr Search by running the following from the root project.
$ mvn clean install -Pauto-deploy-all
Deploy Geometrixx Media sample and Geomextrixx Sample
$ mvn install -Pauto-deploy-sample $ mvn install -Pauto-deploy-geo $ mvn install -Pauto-deploy-geo-sample
Start Jetty. This will take sometime the first time, as Solr will be fetched from a Maven repository.
$ cd aemsolrsearch-quickstart $ mvn clean resources:resources jetty:run
In another terminal window run the index script.
$ cd ../aemsolrsearch-geometrixx-media-sample $ ./ $ cd ../aemsolrsearch-geometrixx-sample $ ./
Open a browser and visit:
- Sample Geometrixx Media Search Page: http://localhost:4502/content/aemsolrsearch/aem-solr-search.html
- Sample Geometrixx Search Page: http://localhost:4502/content/aemsolrsearch/aem-solr-search-geo.html
- Solr: http://localhost:8888/solr/
Send an email to [email protected].