#React Tour of Heroes
This is an implementation of Angular 2's Tour of Heroes tutorial application, but built in React for comparison. This project uses React Slingshot as a quick framework for getting started, so check out React Slingshot's docs for a full overview of the React stack involved.
I built this as part of my research for this post: Angular 2 versus React: There Will Be Blood
For comparison, check out the Angular 2 version.
##Get Started
npm install
npm start
##To Build
npm run build
#How does this differ from the Angular 2 version?
- I used ES6 with Babel instead of TypeScript since that's included in the starter kit I selected. TypeScript isn't very popular in the React community anyway.
- I used Sass instead of embedding the styles in the component. Of course, I could have embedded the styles in the component via JSON if desired.
- The dev experience supports hot reloading via Redux and react-transform-hmr. Note that you can save changes to files and they're reflected immediately in the browser without requiring a refresh so you don't lose your client-side state. Nice. I'm not aware of an equivalent experience for Angular 2 yet. If you are, please let me know.
- It's much smaller. The built version is 151k compared to Angular 2's 764k.