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Fusion between a Unix shell and a Lisp REPL

Schemesh is an interactive shell scriptable in Lisp.

It is primarily intended as a user-friendly Unix login shell, replacing bash, zsh, pdksh etc.

As such, it supports interactive line editing, autocompletion, history and the familiar Unix shell syntax: it can start commands, including redirections, pipelines, job concatenation with ; && ||, groups surrounded by { }, subshells surrounded by [ ] (traditional shells use ( )), command substitution surrounded by $[ ] (traditional shells use $( )), and manage foreground/background jobs.

For more complex tasks, it seamlessly integrates a full Lisp REPL backed by Chez Scheme.

Schemesh can be used as:

  • a replacement for traditional interactive Unix shell, as for example bash/zsh/pdksh etc.

  • a Unix shell scriptable in Chez Scheme.

  • a Scheme REPL with additional syntax and functions to start, redirect and manage Unix processes.

  • a Scheme library for starting, redirecting and managing Unix processes.

For scripting and serious programming, schemesh completely replaces the slow, clumsy and error-prone scripting language of a traditional shell (yes, the author has opinions) with a full-featured Lisp REPL, backed by the fast and open-source Chez Scheme compiler that generates highly optimized native code.

How to use

As a traditional Unix shell: type a command and press Enter.
As a Lisp REPL: type an expression starting with ( and press Enter.

If the parentheses/braces/brackets/quotes are balanced,
schemesh will execute the command and show any failure, or evaluate the expression and pretty-print its value.

If the parentheses/braces/brackets/quotes are not balanced,
schemesh will create a second line where you can continue typing.
You can move between lines with the cursor keys, and use all the classical line-editing features including cut-and-paste.

Switching syntax shell <-> Lisp

Switching between shell syntax and Lisp syntax is extremely simple, and can be done basically everywhere:

  • open parenthesis ( temporarily switches to Lisp syntax until the corresponding ).

  • open brace i.e. { temporarily switches to shell syntax until the corresponding }.

  • open bracket i.e. [ starts a new sub-form in current syntax until the corresponding ].
    If found in Lisp syntax, it is equivalent to (.
    If found in shell syntax, it is similar to { with the difference that commands will be executed in a subshell.

  • the directives #!scheme #!chezscheme and #!r6rs temporarily switch to Scheme syntax (with the appropriate flavor) until the end of current ( ), [ ] or { }.
    If entered at top level, they change the default syntax until another directive is entered at top level.

  • the directive #!shell temporarily switches to shell syntax until the end of current ( ), [ ] or { }.
    If entered at top level, it changes the default syntax until another directive is entered at top level.

Syntax switching can be nested arbitrarily deep, i.e. you can write

{shell syntax (Scheme syntax {shell syntax (Scheme syntax {...} ...) ...} ...) ...}

with as many nesting levels as you want.

Job control

Shell syntax creates first-class Lisp sh-job objects, which can be started/stopped/managed from both syntaxes.

The most common mechanisms to start/stop/manage jobs from shell syntax are:

  • CTRL+C interrupt the current foreground job
  • CTRL+Z suspend the current foreground job
  • bg job-id resume a job in background
  • fg job-id resume a job in foreground

The analogous job control mechanisms from Scheme syntax are:

  • CTRL+C as above
  • CTRL+Z as above
  • (sh-start job-object) start a job in background, return immediately
  • (sh-run/i job-object) start a job in foreground, wait until job finishes or is suspended
  • (sh-run job-object) start a job in foreground, wait until job finishes
  • (sh-bg job-or-id) resume a job in background, return immediately
  • (sh-fg job-or-id) resume a job in foreground, wait until job finishes or is suspended
  • (sh-wait job-or-id) resume a job in foreground, wait until job finishes

Some more advanced Scheme functions:

  • (sh-run/string job-object) start a job in foreground, wait until job finishes, return its output as a Scheme string
  • (sh-start/fd-stdout job-object) start a job in background, return a file descriptor fixnum for reading its standard output - for example with (open-fd-input-port fd)

[NEW in upcoming version 0.8.0]

Job control is now available also for Scheme code:

from shell syntax or Scheme syntax, simply type $ before a Scheme expression in parentheses, and it gets encapsulated in a job that can be started, stopped and resumed just like any other job. Example:

> $(begin (repeat 1000000000 (void)) "done!\n")

(stopped sigtstp)
; job  1            (stopped sigtstp)   $( #<procedure>)

> fg 1
(ok "done!\n")

This feature can also be written in long form (shell-expr ...) both from shell syntax and from Scheme syntax.

If used from Scheme syntax, the job created by short or long form can be executed immediately, or saved in a variable for later execution, or passed to a procedure, etc. Example:

> (define j $(begin (repeat 1000000000 (void)) "done too!\n"))
> (sh-run/i j)
(ok "done too!\n")

Subshells and command substitution

From shell syntax, commands can be executed in a subshell by surrounding them in [ ] as for example:

grep -q old *.txt && [ sed -i -e 's/old/new/g' -- *.txt ]

traditional shells typically start subshells with ( ), which has a different meaning in schemesh.

Command substitution, i.e. using output of a first command as argument for a second command, can be performed by surrounding the first command in `` or $[ ] - example:


traditional shells typically perform command substitution with `` or $( ): the latter has a different meaning in schemesh, see Job control above.

Full Scheme REPL

Schemesh contains a full Chez Scheme REPL:
you can define variables, functions, macros, libraries, modules and use them with the classic Scheme syntax

(define (add a b) (+ a b))
(add 7/3 (add 7/6 7/2))

(define-syntax while
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred body ...) (do () ((not pred)) body ...))))

(library (hello world)
  (export greet)
  (import (rnrs)
          (only (chezscheme) format))
  (define (greet who)
    (format #t "Hello, ~a!\n" who)))

(import (hello world))

(greet "User")
Hello, User!

You can compile and load Scheme files and libraries, including third-party libraries as the ones packaged by by following the same instructions as for Chez Scheme.


You can mix shell command execution with Lisp control structures, loops and functions as for example:

(if (some_expression arg1 (sub_expression2))
  (sh-run/i {then_run_this_command foo bar $VAR})
  (sh-run/i {else_run_this_command foo bar $VAR}))

instead of typical shell syntax, which is error prone as it's based on string expansion and splitting, and geared toward command execution, as for example:

# Note: this is POSIX shell syntax for `if-then-else`. It will NOT work in schemesh.
if some_command "$arg1" "$[sub_command]"
  then_run_this_command foo bar $VAR
  else_run_this_command foo bar $VAR

other examples mixing shell and Lisp syntax:

find (lisp-function-returning-some-string) -type f | grep ^lib | wc -l &
fg 1
(define job {ls -l > ls.out || echo "ls failed"})
(sh-start job)
(sh-fg job)
(define txt (sh-run/string {git log}))
(display txt)

More examples

sed -i -e 's/old/new/g' -- (directory-list ".")

or, if you want to run a separate sed command for each file,

  (lambda (f)
    (sh-run {sed -i -e 's/old/new/g' -- (values f)}))
  (directory-list "."))

Also, (sh-run/string-split-after-nuls) combines well with {find ... -print0}. Example:

  (lambda (f)
    (file-rename f (string-replace-suffix f ".old" ".bak")))
  (sh-run/string-split-after-nuls {find -type f -print0}))

which can also be written as

  (sh-run/string-split-after-nuls {find -type f -print0})
  (lambda (f)
    (file-rename f (string-replace-suffix f ".old" ".bak"))))

or even

(for ((f (in-list (sh-run/string-split-after-nuls {find -type f -print0}))))
  (file-rename f (string-replace-suffix f ".old" ".bak")))

the example above has the advantage that for can iterate simultaneously on multiple heterogenous containers: lists, strings, vectors, hashtables, etc. ...

Even more examples

As a last example, all the following are equivalent:

    mkdir $TEMP                   &&
    cd    $TEMP                   &&
    tar xvf ../hello-world.tar.xz &&
    cd    hello-world             &&
    ./configure                   &&
    make -j`nproc`

note: in schemesh, the character \ at the end of a line for continuing a shell command in the next line is redundant after { [ ! ; & && || | |& < <> > >> <& or >&

(let ((temp "my-temp-dir"))
      mkdir (values temp)           &&
      cd    (values temp)           &&
      tar xvf ../hello-world.tar.xz &&
      cd    hello-world             &&
      ./configure                   &&
      make -j`nproc`
(let ((temp "my-temp-dir"))
      {mkdir (values temp)}
      {cd    (values temp)}
      {tar xvf ../hello-world.tar.xz}
      {cd    hello-world}
      {make -j`nproc`}
(let ((temp "my-temp-dir"))
      (sh-cmd "mkdir" temp)
      (sh-cmd "cd"    temp)
      (sh-cmd "tar" "xvf" "../hello-world.tar.xz")
      (sh-cmd "cd"    "hello-world")
      (sh-cmd "./configure")
      (sh-cmd "make" (shell-wildcard "-j" (shell-backquote "nproc")))

Note: by design, cd builtin and setting environment variables have local scope:
their effect is limited to the surrounding { } or [ ] or parent (sh-...) job.
If you want them to have global effect, use global cd SOME-DIR or global set NAME VALUE

There is no need to memorize the correspondence between shell syntax
and its corresponding Scheme counterpart. You can type one of:

  • (values '{shell syntax})
  • (expand '{shell syntax})
  • (values {shell syntax}) note: no quotes in this last expression

and inspect the Scheme source or objects generated by shell syntax:

> (values '{make > log && make install >> log && echo done})
(shell "make" > "log" && "make" "install" >> "log" && "echo" "done")
> (expand '{make > log && make install >> log && echo done})
    '(schemesh shell job)
    '(0 8 0)
    '#{job ly4j0bdptfcux94zntpcy9sqg-49})
    (sh-cmd* "make" 1 '> "log")
    (sh-cmd* "make" "install" 1 '>> "log")
    (sh-cmd "echo" "done")))
> (values {make > log && make install >> log && echo done})
(sh-and (sh-cmd* "make" 1 '> "log")
        (sh-cmd* "make" "install" 1 '>> "log")
        (sh-cmd "echo" "done"))


  • REPL with multi-line editing and parentheses highlighting
  • dual syntax parsing, allows mixing Scheme and shell expressions
  • shortcuts to execute commands by pressing a single key: KP/ KP* KP-
  • history searchable with PageUp and PageDown keys
  • cut-and-paste
  • context-sensitive autocompletion - some improvements pending
  • UTF-8b for losslessly converting file names and environment variables that are not valid UTF-8
  • shell commands, including ; & ! && || { } [ ]
  • shell job control
  • shell aliases
  • shell builtins
  • shell environment variables
  • shell pipelines | |&
  • shell subshells [ ]
  • shell command substitution $[] ``
  • shell redirections < > <> >> <& >&
  • shell wildcard expansion
  • shell jobs executing arbitrary Scheme code $() or some-command (lambda () ...)
  • each job has its own current directory and environment variables, initially inherited from parent job
  • customizable prompt, set by environment variable $SCHEMESH_PS1
  • if the directory $HOME/.cache/schemesh/ exists,
    history is automatically saved to and loaded from a file history.txt inside such directory
  • if the file $HOME/.config/schemesh/ exists,
    it is automatically executed when starting the REPL
  • if the file $HOME/.config/schemesh/ exists,
    it is automatically executed when exiting the REPL

Build instructions

On Debian Linux, execute the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential chezscheme-dev liblz4-dev libncurses-dev git uuid-dev zlib1g-dev
git clone
cd schemesh
make -j
sudo make install

On Fedora Linux:

sudo dnf install gcc make chez-scheme-devel lz4-devel ncurses-devel git libuuid-devel zlib-devel
git clone
cd schemesh
make -j
sudo make install

On FreeBSD:

pkg install chez-scheme gcc git gmake  # must be executed as root
git clone
cd schemesh
gmake -j
gmake install  # must be executed as root

On Mac OS X:

sudo xcode-select --install # only needed if you don't already have XCode Command Line Tools
brew install chezscheme lz4
git clone
cd schemesh
make -j
sudo make install

For other systems, the instructions above can (hopefully) be adapted as needed.

If all went well, you can execute schemesh

In case your environment variable $PATH does not contain /usr/local/bin, the command schemesh will not suffice - you will need to run /usr/local/bin/schemesh


If make -j fails, do not panic :) Some issues are relatively minor and can be fixed easily:

  1. error messages like scheme.h: No such file or directory or missing path after '-I' or Usage: ./utils/ CHEZ_SCHEME_DIR indicate that make failed to autodetect Chez Scheme installation directory.

    In such case you can manually specify it, as for example make -j CHEZ_SCHEME_DIR="/usr/local/lib/csv10.0.0/ta6le"

  2. on Ubuntu 22.04, you may get the error message lto1: fatal error: bytecode stream in file ‘/usr/lib/csv9.5.4/ta6le/kernel.o’ generated with LTO version 9.4 instead of the expected 11.3

    This can be worked around by running make -j CC="gcc -fno-lto"

If get some other error and you correctly installed the required dependencies, feel free to open a GitHub issue describing the issue. Remember to include at least:

  • the exact make ... command you executed, and its output - especially the error messages
  • the output of the command lsb_release -a
  • the output of the command uname -a
  • the output of the command make --version
  • the output of the command cc --version
  • the output of the command ( chez-scheme --verbose || chezscheme --verbose || chez --verbose || scheme --verbose ) </dev/null >/dev/null
  • the output of the command git log -2


See doc/


  • how does schemesh differ from other Lisp-based shells as Scsh, Rash, Eshell, or (pick favorite shell) ?

    In extreme summary: none of them have job control, i.e. the ability to suspend a job and resume it in the background or foreground; some also have additional limitations.

    Scsh lacks line editing, autocompletion and shell-like syntax - see Scsh Reference manual - Caveats

    Eshell runs inside Emacs, so it's difficult to use as a login shell.

    For more details, see doc/


  • autocomplete shell paths and scheme strings: unescape stems before searching for completions, escape completions
  • autocomplete shell paths and scheme strings: when autocompleting inside single or double quotes, the stem starts at the quotes.
  • autocomplete shell paths starting with ~
  • maybe add missing shell builtins "kill"
  • add syntax for evaluating a shell word i.e. a (sh-wildcard) from Scheme. TODO: associated to which job?
  • implement function (string->sh-patterns)


A Unix shell and Lisp REPL, fused together







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