Fetch currently trending stocks on Reddit
A tax calculator for stocks and dividends activities.
Валутни курсове на БНБ
A universal translator for programming languages
An opinionated collection of StimulusJS best practices
Presentations that I have given at various venues (or that I'm working on)
A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
An opinionated starter application based on Ruby 3.4, Rails 7.2, Webpack 5, pnpm, and Bootstrap 5, deployable on Heroku
Resolve rubygem dependencies as-of a date in the past.
Ruby Metaprogramming Resources, Exercises, etc.
Simple app to help ESaaS students practice their understanding of Rails routing
Comprehensive changelog of Ruby Programming Language
Basic template for React on Rails
Describing the development process used by the Infinum Rails Team.
A collection of exercises to practice various aspects of Ruby
🛣️ Generate path helpers and API methods from your Rails routes
What you should change about your app's configuration when upgrading Rails versions
Embed SVG documents in your Rails views and style them with CSS