R package that contains Irucka Embry’s miscellaneous functions:
- statistical analysis
- RMS,
- coefficient of variation (CV),
- approximate and relative error,
- range,
- harmonic mean,
- geometric mean,
- maximum mean relative error (MAXRE),
- and mean relative error (MRE)];
- engineering economics
- benefit-cost,
- future value,
- present value,
- annual value,
- gradients,
- interest,
- periods,
- etc.;
- geometry
- polygon area,
- sphere volume,
- and right triangle validation;
- civil & environmental/water resources engineering
- Concrete Mix Design for Normal Strength & Structural Lightweight Concrete,
- Construction Measurements with and without Fractions,
- Engineering Surveying Calculations,
- Air Stripping,
- Saturated Vapor Pressure for Ice and Water,
- Density of Water,
- Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity of Water,
- Specific Gravity and Volume,
- Unit Weight,
- Surface Tension of Water,
- Weighted C Factor,
- Weighted Curve Number,
- Darcy friction factor (f),
- the Reynolds number,
- Manning's n,
- Gauckler-Manning-Strickler equations for open channel flow,
- Modified Rational Method Equation,
- Linear Surface Area calculation,
- Rain Garden sizing based on driveways;
- convert a fraction (or mixed number) to a decimal (numeric vector);
- negation of chin from data.table and negation of in from base R (%notchin%);
- quick search (%qsin%);
- return character vectors in order (%inorder%);
- mortality rate calculations;
- proportion solver;
- sum of all digits in a vector to a single integer;
- string manipulation (splitcomma and splitremove);
- a version of linear interpolation for use with NAs;
- Python compatible floor division function (%//%);
- GNU Octave/MATLAB compatible trigonometric functions in degrees; and
- GNU Octave/MATLAB compatible
- section properties (secprop),
- remainder (Rem),
- modulus (Mod_octave),
- number of dimensions (ndims),
- row vector (isrow) and column vector (iscolumn) tests,
- fractional differences (fractdiff),
- size,
- numel,
- and length functions.
This package can be used in academia by students and faulty alike and/or in professional settings.
With credit due to the matlab
package, for a complete list of functions and the package DESCRIPTION file, use:
library(help = "iemisc")
With credit due to Getting Help with R for the following 2 methods of help:
help(shm, package = "iemisc") # sample harmonic mean function help
help(package = "iemisc") # help for the iemisc package
If you wish to browse the iemisc
Vignettes, please copy-and-paste the following code into R:
# 1)
install.load::load_package("iemisc", "rando")
set_n(200) # makes the example reproducible
samp <- r_norm(.seed = 200) # sample
# Calculate the sample harmonic mean (SHM) of the 200 values
# Using the default value of na.rm = FALSE
# using a matrix of the numeric vector obs1
samp1 <- matrix(data = samp, nrow = length(samp), ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE,
dimnames = list(c(rep("", length(samp))), "Sample"))
# 2)
install.load::load_package("iemisc", "rando")
# Compute the relative error of the 210 values
set_n(210) # makes the example reproducible
true <- r_norm(.seed = 210) # true
approx <- r_norm(.seed = 210) # approximation
relerror(true, approx)
# 3)
# Are any of the following right triangles?
righttri(2, 7) # a = 2, b = 7
righttri(a = 4, c = 11)
righttri(b = 4, c = 5)
# 4)
# What is the future worth of $2,390.90 in the present 13 years from now with a
# 0.25% interest rate compounded annually?
FgivenP(2390.90, 13, 0.25, frequency = "annual") # the interest rate is 0.25%
This software is provided “AS IS”. See the GPL License for more information.
is distributed under the GPL-3 (or later) license, as stated in the DESCRIPTION file. For more info, see the GNU General Public License (GPL) page.
Please refer to the CITATION file for the correct way to cite iemisc
If you want to support the continued development of this and my other R packages, feel free to:
<script src="https://liberapay.com/iaembry/widgets/button.js"></script>