git clone
haxelib dev openfl-native openfl-native
After cloning, "openfl-native/ndll" will be empty. You may copy the "ndll" folder from a haxelib version of openfl-native (which still may be up-to-date) or you may compile them from the source:
git clone nme
git clone
haxelib dev nme nme
haxelib dev nmedev nmedev
To rebuild binaries for a platform, use "openfl rebuild", such as:
openfl rebuild windows
openfl rebuild windows,blackberry
openfl rebuild linux -64
openfl rebuild android -debug
The default "rebuild" will compile all binaries. You can add "-debug" and "-release" and other flags to specify that you only want to rebuild one kind of binary. You can separate multiple build targets using commas.
There is also a "-rebuild" flag you can use with other OpenFL commands, for fast testing:
openfl test windows -rebuild
To return to a release build:
haxelib dev openfl-native