- Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- https://kartiksharma.xyz/
crop-transparent-image Public
Trim unnecessary transparent padding from your images
hltv-data-vis Public
Visualisation for data scraped from hltv.org (csgo)
Resplash Public
Forked from b-lam/ResplashUnofficial Unsplash Android App
hltv-scraping Public
Scraping data from hltv.org
Simpl Public
Just a minimal new tab extension showcasing your favorite websites.
react-native-circular-progress Public
Forked from bartgryszko/react-native-circular-progressReact Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART
fenix Public
Forked from mozilla-mobile/fenixFenix is not your parent's Android browser.
Brick-Breaker Public
A simple brick breaker game written in java using processing 3
Dank Public
Forked from Tunous/DawnHere lives the greatest open-source Reddit app
react-native-track-player Public
Forked from doublesymmetry/react-native-track-playerA fully fledged audio module created for music apps. Provides audio playback, external media controls, chromecast support, background mode and more!
news Public
Minimal news app for android using MVP/Dagger2/RxJava2
www.crazyhitty.com Public
My website based on jekyll
Mysplash Public
Forked from WangDaYeeeeee/MysplashAn Unsplash Client
dolphin Public
Forked from dolphin-emu/dolphinDolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements.
Capstone-Project Public archive
Udacity android nanodegree p7
java-design-patterns Public
Forked from iluwatar/java-design-patternsDesign patterns implemented in Java
firebase-chat Public archive
[Deprecated] One to one chat implementation using firebase.
Fragmentation Public
Forked from YoKeyword/FragmentationA powerful library that manage Fragment for Android!
agenda Public
Forked from dahenson/agendaA simple, fast, no-nonsense to-do (task) list.
sunshine Public
Udacity android nanodegree p6
materialdoc-web Public
Forked from materialdoc/materialdoc-webMaterial Design - The development documentation
Better-Link-Movement-Method Public
Forked from saket/Better-Link-Movement-MethodA less buggy and customizable way to handle URLs in TextViews.
TravisCIAndroidDemo Public
Integrating travis ci with an android project
Rss-Manager Public archive
[Deprecated] A simple, lightweight and easy to use library to parse rss feeds into your app.
Projects Public
Forked from karan/Projects📃 A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
android-architecture-components Public
Forked from wbinarytree/android-architecture-components -
android-instant-apps Public
Forked from googlearchive/android-instant-appsSamples for Android Instant Apps
kotlin-koans Public
Forked from Kotlin/kotlin-koansKotlin workshop
libretorrent Public
Forked from proninyaroslav/libretorrentFree as in Freedom torrent client for Android