CandyJS is an intent of create a fully transparent bridge between Go and the JavaScript engine duktape. Basicly is a syntax-sugar library built it on top of go-duktape using reflection techniques.
This is a fork of
It encodes UTF-8 strings passed to duktape into CESU-8.
It decodes strings returned by duktape from CESU-8 into UTF-8.
It uses to encode/decode CESU-8.
build extensible applications that allow to the user execute arbitrary code (let's say plugins) without the requirement of compile it.
Embeddable Ecmascript E5/E5.1 compliant engine (duktape).
ctx := candyjs.NewContext()
function factorial(n) {
if (n === 0) return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
`) //3628800
Call Go functions from JavaScript and vice versa.
ctx := candyjs.NewContext()
ctx.PushGlobalGoFunction("golangMultiply", func(a, b int) int {
return a * b
ctx.EvalString(`print(golangMultiply(5, 10));`) //50
Transparent interface between Go structs and JavaScript.
type MyStruct struct {
Number int
func (m *MyStruct) Multiply(x int) int {
return m.Number * x
ctx := candyjs.NewContext()
ctx.PushGlobalStruct("golangStruct", &MyStruct{10})
ctx.EvalString(`print(golangStruct.number);`) //10
ctx.EvalString(`print(golangStruct.multiply(5));`) //50
Import of Go packages into the JavaScript context.
//go:generate candyjs import fmt
ctx := candyjs.NewContext()
var fmt = CandyJS.require('fmt');
fmt.printf('candyjs is %s', 'awesome')
`) // 'candyjs is awesome'
The recommended way to install go-candyjs is:
go get -u
CandyJS includes a binary tool used by go generate, please be sure that
is on your$PATH
In this example a gin
server is executed
and a small JSON is server. In CandyJS you can import Go packages directly if
they are defined
previously on the Go code.
Interpreter code (main.go
//go:generate candyjs import time
//go:generate candyjs import
func main() {
ctx := candyjs.NewContext()
Program code (example.js
var time = CandyJS.require('time');
var gin = CandyJS.require('');
var engine = gin.default();
engine.get("/back", CandyJS.proxy(function(ctx) {
var future =, 10, 21, 4, 29 ,0, 0, time.UTC);
var now =;
ctx.json(200, {
future: future.string(),
now: now.string(),
nsecs: future.sub(now)
Due to an incompatibility with Duktape's error handling system and Go, you can't throw errors from Go. All errors generated from Go functions are generic ones error error (rc -100)