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Firestore Query Language

FIKL is a Firestore Query Languate CLI tool that allows users to execute SQL Like queries against a Firestore database.

  • Supports SELECT, UPDATE & DELETE queries
  • Full featured REPL


How It Works

The FIKL CLI tool allows for SQL-like queries to be executed against a Firestore database.

  1. Firestore essentially has 3 different query contexts:
    • Document
      • Documents are fetched by specifying the path to that document. This is accomplised in FIKL by making use of the at keyword.
    • Collection
      • Collections contain a number of documents and are queried by making use of the from keyword.
    • Collection Group
      • Collection Groups are essentially a grouping of collections that are named the same but exist within different Documents. Make use of the within keyword to query within a Collection Groups.
  2. Using Lark, the input text is parsed and the Python Firebase SDK is used to execute queries against the Firestore database.

Build & Install

  1. Create a new virtual environment so that you can have an isolated python environment
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run lint and tests
pylint lang
python -m coverage run -m unittest && coverage report && coverage html
  1. Use pyinstaller to create an executable. A dist directory will be created which will include the executable.
pyinstaller --clean -y -n fikl --add-data "fikl.lark:." ./lang/


Make sure that the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set and pointing to a Google Cloud credentials json file

  1. To start a FIKL REPL.

Note: Commands can run over multiple lines in the REPL and should be terminated with a semi-colon

  1. Supply a query as an argument to the fikl executable to execute a command direcly from the command prompt
fikl 'select * from MyCollection where year == 2005 limit 5'
  1. Similary to SQL, a list of desired fields can be specified as part of a query. If all fields are required then * can be provided. Dot-notation can be used to fetch properties from a nested object (remember to surround with double-quotes)
fikl 'select title, "author.firstName" from MyCollection where year == 2005 limit 5'

Example Queries

Document queries

To fetch a single document, note that there is no need to a where clause when fetching a single document

Fetch all fields of a single document

Make use of the at keyword and the path to the document:


Fetch specified fields of a single document

Instead of specifying * in the field list, use a comma separated list of desired fields:

select title, "author.firstName" at "SOME_COLLECTION/DOC_ID"

Update a document

Similary to SQL, use the set keyword followed by the fields to be updated and the value to set those respective fields to:

update at "SOME_COLLECTION/DOC_ID" set title = "Some Title", "author.firstName" = "Bob"

Delete a document


Collection queries

To fetch documents from a collection

Fetch all fields of a single document

Make use of the from keyword to indicate that a collection is being queried, or make use of within to indicate that a collection group is being queried:

select * from SOME_COLLECTION

Use a where clause to filter what is returned.

Remember that Firestore requires explicit indexes when filtering by more than one property:

select * from SOME_COLLECTION where year == 2005 and "author.lastName" == "Diamond" limit 10

Use an order by clause to sort what is returned.

Remember that Firestore requires explicit indexes when filtering or sorting by more than one property:

select * from SOME_COLLECTION where year == 2005 and "author.lastName" == "Diamond" order by year desc, title limit 10

Update documents in a collection

A where clause is mandatory when updating documents in a collection or collection group:

update from SOME_COLLECTION set title = "Some Title", "author.firstName" = "Bob" where year == 2005;

Delete documents in a collection (or collection group)

A where clause is mandatory when deleting documents in a collection or collection group:

delete from SOME_COLLECTION where year == 2005

Insert (add) a document into a collection (or collection group)

The identifier of the document that is being inserted is optional. If the "identified by" is not supplied, Firestore will automatically set a document ID

insert into SOME_COLLECTION set year = 2005, title = "Mutants", "author.firstName" = "Armand", "author.lastName" = "Marie Leroi" identified by "SOME_ID"

Powerfull when used with jq


A CLI and REPL to query a Firestore database








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