A curated list of awesome MicroPython libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.
Other places you can look for MicroPython Libraries:
- PyPi - This filter shows just the MicroPython libraries on PyPi. Note: You cannot pip install micropython libraries. See MicroPython docs for more information on upip.
- GitHub Search - Search GitHub for repositories containing MicroPython.
- GitHub Topic - MicroPython - Browse GitHub Topics for projects tagged with MicroPython.
- Libraries.io - Libraries.io query for MicroPython.
- GitLab Explore - Explore repositories on GitLab.
- Codeberg Explore - Explore repositories on Codeberg.
- MicroMLP - A micro neural network multilayer perceptron for MicroPython (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules).
- MicroPython-NeuralNetwork - Neural Network for MicroPython.
- uMath - Computer Algebra for microcontrollers.
- micropython-ulab - A numpy-like fast vector module for MicroPython.
- micropython-fourier - Fast Fourier transform in MicroPython's inline ARM assembler.
- Filters FIR filters using ARM Thumb assembler. Using an online utility you can go from a graph of required frequency response to a filter implementation.
- ulinalg - Small size matrix handling module with a few linear algebra operations specifically for MicroPython (Python3).
- micropython-mtx - Fast Matrix Multiplication and Linear Solver on MicroPython.
- micropython-vec - Vector Operations on MicroPython.
- MicroPython_Statistics - Statistics module for MicroPython.
- MicroPython-Matrix - MicroPython basic matrix operations.
- micropython-jq6500 - Driver for JQ6500 UART MP3 modules.
- KT403A-MP3 - Driver for KT403A, used by DFPlayer Mini and Grove MP3 v2.0.
- micropython-buzzer - Play Nokia compose and mid files on buzzers.
- micropython-dfplayer - Driver for DFPlayer Mini using UART.
- micropython-longwave - WAV player for MicroPython board.
- micropython-vs1053 - Asynchronous driver for VS1053b MP3 player.
- micropython-midi - A midi implementation example for MicroPython.
- upy-rtttl - Python Parser for Ring Tone Text Transfer Language (RTTTL).
- micropython-i2s-examples - Examples for I2S support on microcontrollers that run MicroPython.
- micropython-osc - A minimal OSC client and server library for MicroPython.
- micropython-utelegram - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython.
- uEagle - MicroPython Rainforest EAGLE client.
- micropython-youtube-api - YouTube API in MicroPython.
- micropython_esp8266_tweetbot - Tweet bot for MicroPython v1.8.4 (ESP8266).
- telegram-upy - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython.
- micropython-thingspeak - Library for sending data to thingspeak.com from IoT devices running MicroPython (such as ESP8266).
- micropython_pushbullet - Simple example of how to use PushBullet with MicroPython on ESP8266.
- esp32-youtube-display - Display YouTube metrics using Google API and MicroPython.
- micropython-spotify-web-api - A library for using Spotify's web API from a IoT device with MicroPython.
- micropython-firebase-auth - Firebase Auth implementation for MicroPython.
- PyBoard-HC05-Android - Pyboard HC05 Bluetooth adaptor example application.
- uble - Lightweight Bluetooth Low Energy driver written in pure Python for MicroPython.
- MicroPythonBLEHID - Human Interface Device (HID) over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT library for MicroPython.
- upyble - Command line tool for Bluetooth Low Energy MicroPython devices.
- micropython-xiaomi-ble-adv-parse - Passively retrieve sensor data from some Xiaomi Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors.
- mijia-temphum-upy - MicroPython library to read certain Xiaomi Mijia BLE temperature & humidity sensors.
- micropython-spacecan - Spacecan is a MicroPython implementation of the SpaceCAN protocol for embedded systems.
- Robomaster-Micropython - Robomaster S1 - MicroPython CAN BUS controller.
- micropython-mcp2515 - MicroPython MCP2515 driver, porting from Arduino MCP2515 CAN interface library.
- ufastlz - MicroPython wrapper for FastLZ, a lightning-fast lossless compression library.
- mpyaes - MicroPython module for AES encryption.
- micropython-aes - AES algorithm with pure python implementation.
- ucrypto - MicroPython package for doing fast elliptic curve cryptography, specifically digital signatures. API design inspired from fastecdsa and implementation based on tomsfastmath.
- ucryptoauthlib - Lightweight driver for Microchip Crypto Authentication secure elements written in pure python for MicroPython.
- embit - A minimal bitcoin library for MicroPython and Python3 with a focus on embedded systems.
- microotp - A ESP8266 MicroPython OTP Generator.
- micropython-rsa-signing - RSA signing on MicroPython.
- micropython-cryptomsg - A MicroPython module to encrypt and decrypt messages with AES CBC mode.
- ICantBelieveItsNotDNS - "I Can't Believe It's Not DNS!" (ICBIND) is an authoritative DNS server for the ESP8266 written in MicroPython.
- MicroDNSSrv - A micro DNS server for MicroPython to simply respond to A queries on multi-domains with or without wildcards (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- tinydns - Very simple DNS async server for MicroPython.
- micropython-captiveportal - Minimal async captive portal for MicroPython (compatible with uasyncio v3/MicroPython 1.13+ as well as earlier versions).
- Micropython-DNSServer-Captive-Portal - MicroPython WiFi AP Captive Portal with DNS and Web Server.
- Official wiznet5k - Driver for the WIZnet5x00 series of Ethernet controllers.
- micropy-ENC28J60 - ENC28J60 Ethernet chip driver for MicroPython (RP2).
- RP2040 Ethernet example - Ethernet driver, example python code and YouTube.
- micropython-ftplib - An FTP client library for MicroPython.
- FTP-Server-for-ESP8266-ESP32-and-PYBD - Small FTP server for ESP8266/ESP32/PYBD on the MicroPython platform.
- MicroFTPServer - Minimal FTP Server that can run on an ESP8266 with MicroPython.
- micropython-uaioftp - Lightweight FTP library for MicroPython.
- micropyGPS - Full featured GPS NMEA sentence parser.
- micropython-gnssl76l - MicroPython I2C driver for Quectel GNSS L76-L (GPS).
- mpy-agps - MicroPython implementation of assisted location services (AGPS).
- Asynchronous GPS driver Receive and parse GPS data as a uasyncio task.
- micropython-upyphone - A gsm phone using pyboard and sim800l.
- micropython-sim800 - MicroPython driver for sim800.
- sim800 - Library for interfacing with SIM800 module in MicroPython.
- MicroPython-AM7020 - MicroPython driver for AM7020 Narrowband Internet of Things (NBIoT) module.
- microhomie - MicroPython implementation of the Homie MQTT convention for IoT.
- uPyEcho - Emulated Belkin WeMo device that works with Amazon Echo (Alexa) using MicroPython on an ESP32.
- SonosRemote - A remote for Sonos installations running on an ESP8266 and using Sonos HTTP API.
- micropython-home-assistant - MicroPython based scripts to extend you home assistant driven home automation projects.
- micropython-iot - An approach to designing IOT applications using ESP8266, ESP32 or Pyboard D endpoints.
- iot-core-micropython - Use MicroPython to connect to Google Cloud IoT Core.
- SmartUPy - Controlling "Tuya-type" smart power outlets using MicroPython.
- aws-iot-GET-POST-loop - MicroPython code which uses the AWS-IOT REST API to GET/POST device state info.
- sensor-mqtt-homeassistant - An esp8266/32 MicroPython based sensor platform for gpio, dht, analog, led and more. Includes remote updates for .py code from web server and MQTT/Homeassistant integration.
- micropython-necir - NEC infrared capture for TL1838 IR receiver LEDs.
- Micropython-IR - Pyboard infrared remote sniff and replay.
- micropython_ir - Nonblocking device drivers to receive from IR remotes and for IR "blaster" apps.
- micropython-amg88xx - Driver for Grid-EYE thermal infra red array sensor (Adafruit 3538).
- micropython-ys-irtm - MicroPython examples for YS-IRTM 5V NEC Infrared UART transceivers.
- esp8266_ir - Control IR signal by websocket.
- micropython_espX_IR_Transceiver - MicroPython esp32 IR Transceiver.
- pico-ir - IR library for Raspberry Pi Pico.
- uPyLoRaWAN - ESP32 using MicroPython meets LoRa and LoRaWAN.
- SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266 - SX127x (LoRa transceiver) driver for (Micro)Python on ESP8266/ESP32/Raspberry_Pi.
- LightLora_MicroPython - Lightweight Interrupt-driven Semtech SX127x Library for MicroPython.
- u-lora - Raspi-lora for MicroPython.
- sx127x_esp - Connect Ra-01 module base on LoRaTM sx127x chip to ESP8266/ESP32 under MicroPython.
- nanoserver - MicroPython embedded LoRaWAN server.
- micropySX126X - Semtech SX126X LoRa driver for MicroPython and CircuitPython.
- micropython-mdns - A pure python implementation of MDNS with support for Service Discovery.
- micropython-modbus - MicroPython port of modbus-tk.
- micropython-modbus - Modbus Master library for MicroPython ESP32 devices. Based on pycom-modbus from pycom.
- mp_modbus - Modbus Lib for MicroPython.
- micropython-modbus - ModBus TCP and RTU library supporting client and host mode. Based on pycom-modbus from pycom.
- micropython-mqtt - A 'resilient' asynchronous MQTT driver. Plus a means of using an ESP8266 to bring MQTT to non-networked targets.
- MQBoard - A micro-framework for using MQTT with asyncio on MicroPython boards, primarily on the ESP32.
- pysmartnode - MicroPython Smarthome framework.
- umqtt_aws_iot - Publish UMQTT messages with MicroPython to AWS IoT.
- sonoff-mqtt by davea - MicroPython scripts to control Sonoff/ESP8266 using MQTT.
- micropython-sonoff-switch - Implements a MQTT controllable switch for the iTead Sonoff Switch using MicroPython.
- micropython-thingspeak-mqtt-esp8266 - Publish and Subscribe to Thingspeak using MQTT with MicroPython running on ESP8266/ESP32 platforms.
- uMQTT - MQTT publish for MicroPython on the WiPy board.
- micropython-mqtt - Async MQTT library with auto reconnect for MicroPython devices such as the ESP32 or Pycom devices.
- micropython-adafruit-mqtt-esp8266 - Using MQTT to Publish/Subscribe to adafruit io. MicroPython/CircuitPython implementation on ESP8266/ESP32.
- MicropythonCayenneMQTTClient - A port of the Python Cayenne MQTT Client to MicroPython.
- mqtt_upython - MQTT Client using MicroPython on ESP8266.
- micropython-nfc - Using NFC with MicroPython.
- micropython_pn532 - Driver for PN532 NFC/RFID breakout boards based on Adafruit CircuitPython (UART).
- NFC_PN532_SPI - Partial Port of Adafruit CircuitPython to MicroPython of PN532 NFC/RFID control library (SPI).
- esp8266_ntp_webserver - MicroPython + esp8266 + ntp + webserver.
- micropython-ntpd - An implementation of an ntpd in MicroPython.
- micropython_ntpserver - An NTP server written for MicroPython.
- micropython-ntpclient - NTP client for MicroPython using uasyncio.
- Official OneWire - For devices using the OneWire bus, eg Dallas ds18x20.
- Onewire_DS18X20 - Classes for driving the DS18x20 sensor with the onewire protocol for Pycom MicroPython.
- eiscp-micropython - MicroPython port for the Onkyo-EISCP protocol used, among others, by Pioneer.
- micropython-ota-updater - OTA Updater for MicroPython.
- Micropython-ESP32-OTA - MicroPython updater based on rdehuyss/micropython-ota-updater.
- senko - Simplest OTA update solution for your MicroPython projects.
- micropython-radio - Protocols for nRF24L01 2.4Ghz radio modules.
- micropython-rfsocket - MicroPython implementation of popular 433MHzn based RFSockets.
- Official nRF24L01 - Official driver for nRF24L01 2.4Ghz radio modules.
- micropython_remote - Capture and replay 433MHz remote control codes. Control remote switched power adaptors.
- micropython-ys-rf34t - MicroPython examples using YS-RF34T 433MHz ASK/OOK UART transceivers.
- FM_Talkie - FM Walkie Talkie using RDA5820N.
- micropython-TEA5767 - MicroPython ESP8266/ESP32 driver for TEA5767 FM radio module.
- micropython-ppm-decoder - Utility for decoding an R/C receiver PPM frame signal.
- ESP32-433Mhz-Receiver-and-Tools - ESP32 433Mhz Receiver written in MicroPython and Tools for Windows.
- webrepl - MicroPython WebREPL.
- zepl - MicroPython WebREPL Console Application using ZeroMQ.
- jupyter_micropython_remote - Jupyter kernel to directly execute code on a MicroPython board over the serial/web REPL.
- FBConsole - Frame buffer console class for MicroPython.
- micropython-mfrc522 - Driver for NXP MFRC522 RFID reader/writer.
- micropython-wiegand - Wiegand protocol reader.
- urdm6300 - A MicroPython driver for the popular RDM6300 RFID card reader.
- micropython-tinyrtc-i2c - Driver for DS1307 RTC and AT24C32N EEPROM.
- Micropython_TinyRTC - Driver for DS1307 RTC.
- micropython-mcp7940 - Driver for the Microchip MCP7940 RTC.
- micropython-ds1302-rtc - DS1302 RTC Clock driver for MicroPython.
- DS3231micro - MicroPython library for DS3231.
- mpy-miniterm - Tool for seamless serial debug and file synchronisation with MicroPython devices via the serial REPL.
- MicroPython-MorseCode - International Morse Code using a micro-controller with MicroPython.
- I2C Slave - Uses the Pyboard's I2C slave mode to implement a full duplex asynchronous link. Principal use case is for ESP8266 which has only one UART.
- micropython-msgpack - MessagePack serialisation library optimised for MicroPython.
- micropython-uprotobuf - A lightweight implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers (protobuf) for MicroPython.
- minipb - Mini Protobuf {de}serializer in pure Python.
- micropython-socks - MicroPython library implementing SOCKS server.
- uMail - A lightweight, scalable SMTP client for sending email in MicroPython.
- us2n - MicroPython bridge between UART and TCP for the ESP32.
- MicroTelnetServer - Simple telnet server for MicroPython and the ESP8266 allowing telnet clients access to the REPL.
- uPyVoip - Voip for MicroPython ESP32 with Interactive Voice Response.
- HueBridge - Philips Hue Bridge.
- micropython-wifimanager - A simple network configuration utility for MicroPython on the ESP8266 board.
- WiFiManager - WiFi manager for ESP8266 - ESP12 - ESP32 - MicroPython.
- Micropython-ESP-WiFi-Manager - WiFi Manager to configure and connect to networks.
- MicroWebSrv - A micro HTTP Web server that supports WebSockets, html/python language templating and routing handlers, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- MicroWebSrv2 - The last Micro Web Server for IoTs (MicroPython) or large servers (CPython), that supports WebSockets, routes, template engine and with really optimized architecture (mem allocations, async I/Os).
- tinyweb - Simple and lightweight HTTP async server for MicroPython.
- upy-websocket-server - MicroPython (ESP8266) websocket server implementation.
- micropython-captive-portal - A captive portal demo for MicroPython.
- uPyPortal - A captive portal for MicroPython using ESP32 (WeMos).
- ESP8266WebServer - ESP8266 web server for MicroPython.
- microCoAPy - A mini client/server implementation of CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) into MicroPython.
- micropyserver - MicroPyServer is a simple HTTP server for MicroPython projects.
- MicroRESTCli - A micro JSON REST Web client based on MicroWebCli for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- micropython-noggin - A very simple web server for MicroPython.
- uwebsockets - MicroPython websockets implementation for ESP8266.
- microdot - The impossibly small web framework for MicroPython.
- micropython-nanoweb - Full async MicroPython web server with small memory footprint.
- MicroWebCli - A micro HTTP Web client for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- micropython-configserver - Captive portal for MicroPython including a dumb DNS server and a webserver to configure wifi networks.
- micropython-aioweb - A minimalist asyncio web framework for MicroPython.
- ZbPy - MicroPython IEEE802.15.4 / Zigbee parser.
- micropython-ili9341 - SSD1606 active matrix epaper display 128x180.
- micropython-waveshare-epaper - Drivers for various Waveshare e-paper modules.
- micropython-waveshare-epd - Waveshare E-Paper Display driver for devices running Pycom-flavored MicroPython.
- ssd1675a - Driver for SSD1675 based E-Paper displays.
- Inkplate-micropython - MicroPython driver for Inkplate boards.
- micropython-inkplate6 - MicroPython driver for the Inkplate 6.
- eInk-micropython - E-Ink library for Waveshare 4.3inch device on MicroPython.
- eink - E-Ink, E-Paper display driver for MicroPython and ESP32.
- micropython_DEPG0213BN - Pure MicroPython driver for the DEPG0213BN E-Ink display found on the TTGO T5 V2.3 ESP32 boards.
- micropython-font-to-py - A Python 3 utility to convert fonts to Python source capable of being frozen as bytecode.
- writer A simple way to render above Python fonts to displays whose driver is subclassed from
. - ssd1306big - A font for MicroPython on 128x64 pixel ssd1306 oled display.
- micropython-stage - A MicroPython port of the Stage game library.
- micropython-png - Derivative of PyPNG for use with MicroPython.
- mpy-img-decoder - PNG and JPEG decoder / parser / renderer in pure MicroPython.
- micropython-oled-progressbars - A collection of progress bars for use with esp8266 and esp32's on OLED displays.
- microplot - Simple MicroPython plotting package.
- lvgl - An object oriented component based high-level GUI library with MicroPython binding.
- micropython-lcd160cr-gui - Simple touch driven event based GUI for the Pyboard and LCD160CR colour display.
- micropython_ra8875 - MicroPython device driver and nano-GUI for RA8875 based displays.
- micropython-nano-gui - A tiny display-only GUI with a limited set of GUI objects (widgets) for displays whose display driver is subclassed from the framebuf class. With drivers for TFT, ePaper and OLED displays.
- micro-gui Derived from nano-gui and supporting the same displays and hosts, this provides for user input via pushbuttons or a navigation joystick and an optional rotary encoder.
- TFT-GUI A fast touch GUI for large displays based on SSD1963 controller with XPT2046 touch controller.
- micropython-nextion - Control Nextion displays using MicroPython.
- Grove_RGB_LCD - Driver for SeeedStudio's Grove RGB LCD.
- lcdi2c - Driver for HD44780 compatible dot matrix LCDs.
- micropython-charlcd - Driver for HD44780 compatible LCDs.
- micropython-i2c-lcd - Driver for I2C 2x16 LCD Screens.
- pyboard-LCD-character-display - PyBoard driver for HDD44780 compatible 1602 LCDs.
- python_lcd - Driver for HD44780 compatible dot matrix LCDs.
- micropython-lcd - Class for controlling the HD44780 from a MicroPython pyboard.
- HD44780-lcd-upy - MicroPython module for controlling a generic HD44780 LCD.
- LCM1602-14_LCD_Library - driver for AIP31068L 3.3 V I2C and SPI 1602 Serial Character LCDs.
- micropython-lcd-AQM1248A - ESP8266 driver for AQM1248A graphic LCD.
- micropython-pcd8544 - Driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544 84x48 LCD modules.
- micropython-st7565 - Driver for ST7565 128x64 LCDs.
- micropython-st7920 - Library for simple graphic primitives on ST7920 128x64 monochrome LCD panel using ESP8266 and SPI.
- MicroPython_PCD8544 - ESP8266 driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544.
- Official LCD160CR - Driver for official MicroPython LCD160CR display with resistive touch sensor.
- micropython-hx1230 - MicroPython library for HX1230 96x68 LCD modules.
- micropython-SHARP_Memory_Display - MicroPython driver for SHARP memory display.
- micropython-ili9341 - Collection of drivers for TFT displays, ILI9341, SH1106, SSD1606, ST7735.
- micropython-ili934x - SPI driver for ILI934X series based TFT / LCD displays.
- MicroPython-ST7735 - ESP32 version of GuyCarvers's ST7735 TFT LCD driver.
- micropython-st7735 - Driver for ST7735 TFT LCDs.
- MicroPython_ST7735 - Driver for ST7735 128x128 TFT.
- SSD1963-TFT-Library-for-PyBoard-and-RP2040 - SSD1963 TFT Library for PyBoard and Raspberry Pi PICO.
- ST7735 - Driver for ST7735 TFT LCDs.
- micropython-ili9341 - MicroPython ILI9341 display & XPT2046 touch screen driver.
- st7789_mpy - Fast pure-C driver for MicroPython that can handle display modules on ST7789 chip.
- st7789py_mpy - Slow MicroPython driver for 240x240 ST7789 display without CS pin from Ali Express, written in MicroPython.
- micropython-ili9341 - MicroPython Driver for ILI9341 display.
- micropython-ili9341 - ILI9341 TFT driver for MicroPython on ESP32.
- st7789_mpy - Fast MicroPython driver for ST7789 display module written in C.
- st7789py_mpy - Driver for 320x240, 240x240 and 135x240 ST7789 displays written in MicroPython.
- ili9342c_mpy - ILI9342C Fast 'C' Driver for MicroPython (M5Stack Core).
- gc9a01py - GC9A01 Display driver in MicroPython.
- gc9a01_mpy - Fast MicroPython driver for GC9A01 display modules written in C.
- st7735-esp8266-micropython - An ESP8266 MicroPython library for st7735 160x80, 128x128, 128x160 TFT LCD displays.
- TTGO-ST7789-MicroPython - MicroPython ST7789 display driver for TTGO T-Display ESP32 CP2104 WiFi Bluetooth Module 1.14 Inch LCD.
- st7735_micropython - ST7735 MicroPython drivers for 80x160, 128x128, 128x160 for ESP8266.
- ili934x-micropython - Library for using ILI9341 display drivers with MicroPython.
- micropython-st7735-esp8266 - MicroPython driver for ST7735 TFT displays on the esp8266.
- micropython-ht1632c - Driver for HT1632C 32x16 bicolor led matrix.
- micropython-matrix8x8 - Driver for AdaFruit 8x8 LED Matrix display with HT16K33 backpack.
- micropython-max7219 - Driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix modules.
- micropython-wemos-led-matrix-shield - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
- micropython-wemos-led-matrix - Driver for Wemos D1 Mini Matrix LED shield, using TM1640 chip.
- micropython-max7219 - MicroPython driver for MAX7219 8x8 LED matrix.
- LKM1638 - Driver for JY-LKM1638 displays based on TM1638 controller.
- max7219_8digit - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-max7219 - Driver for MAX7219 8-digit 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-my9221 - Driver for MY9221 10-segment LED bar graph modules.
- micropython-tm1637 - Driver for TM1637 quad 7-segment LED modules.
- micropython-tm1638 - Driver for TM1638 dual quad 7-segment LED modules with switches.
- micropython-tm1640 - Driver for TM1740 8x8 LED matrix modules.
- micropython-tm1640 - MicroPython Library for 16 digits 7-segment displays controlled by a TM1640.
- TM74HC595 - Driver for shift register controlled 5 pin display modules.
- micropython-morsecode - Blink an LED with morse coded message.
- micropython-p9813 - Driver for P9813 RGB LED used in SeeedStudio's Grove Chainable RGB LED.
- micropython-ws2812-7seg - 7-segment display using WS2812 RGB LEDs.
- micropython-ws2812 - Driver for WS2812 RGB LEDs.
- Official APA102 - ESP8266 APA102/DotStar RGB LED driver.
- Official WS2811 - ESP8266 WS2811/NeoPixel RGB LED driver.
- tlc5940-micropython - Driver for TLC5940 16 channel LED driver.
- ws2812-SPI - An efficient MicroPython WS2812 (NeoPixel) driver.
- micropython-ws2801 - A MicroPython library to interface with strands of WS2801 RGB LEDs.
- tlc5947-rgb-micropython - Driver for the TLC5947 24 channel 12-bit PWM LED driver.
- Hybotics_Micropython_HT16K33 - MicroPython driver for the HT16K33, a LED matrix, 7-Segment Numeric, and 14-Segment Alphanumeric display driver IC.
- micropython-rgbled - This wrapper module aims to reduce the work needed to work with NeoPixel (WS2812) and DotStar (APA102) RGB LED strips and matrixes.
- micropython_fastled - Port of FastLED to MicroPython.
- micropython_quickled - MicroPython module which allows python to pump data into the ws2811 leds at full speed.
- micropython-rgb-led-driver - Tiny driver to control an RGB LED with PWM.
- micropython-dotstar - A MicroPython port of the Adafruit CircuitPython APA102/DotStar library.
- Grove_OLED - Driver for SSD1327 used by SeeedStudio's Grove OLED Display 1.12" v1.0.
- micropython-oled - Collection of drivers for monochrome OLED displays, PCD8544, SH1106, SSD1306, UC1701X.
- micropython-ssd1327 - Driver for SSD1327 128x128 4-bit greyscale OLED displays.
- micropython-ssd1351 - Driver for SSD1351 OLED displays.
- MicroPython_SSD1306 - ESP8266 driver for SSD1306 OLED 128x64 displays.
- Official SSD1306 - Driver for SSD1306 128x64 OLED displays.
- SH1106 - Driver for the SH1106 OLED display.
- micropython-ssd1309 - MicroPython SSD1309 Monochrome OLED Display Driver.
- sh1107-micropython - MicroPython driver for SH1107-based OLED display (64 x 128).
- micropython-thermal-printer - The MicroPython port of Python Thermal Printer by Adafruit.
- ads1x15 - Driver for the ADS1015/ADS1115 ADC, I2C interface.
- micropython-ads1015 - ADS1015 12-Bit and ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
- Micropython_ADS1115 - ADS1115 16-bit ADC, 4 channels with programmable gain, I2C interface.
- ADS7818 - Python class interfacing the ADS7818 AD-converter.
- micropython-ads1219 - MicroPython module for the Texas Instruments ADS1219 ADC.
- micropython-hx711 - MicroPython driver for HX711 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter.
- MicroPython-ADC_Cal - ESP32 ADC driver using reference voltage calibration value from efuse.
- micropython-pcf8591 - MicroPython driver for PCF8591 ADC/DAC, I2C interface.
- micropython-mcp4725 - Driver for the MCP4725 I2C DAC.
- mcp4728 - Helper library for the Microchip MCP4728 I2C 12-bit Quad DAC.
- micropython-inputs - Classes to count pulses, debounce digital inputs, and calculate moving averages of analog inputs for a MicroPython board.
- ubutton - A MicroPython library for controlling reading and debouncing pushbutton inputs, including "short" and "long" press callbacks.
- micropython-debounce-switch - MicroPython Class for Debouncing Switches.
- micropython-mcp230xx - Driver for MCP23017 and MCP23008 GPIO expanders.
- micropython-mcp23017 - MicroPython driver for MCP23017 16-bit I/O Expander.
- micropython-pcf8574 - MicroPython driver for PCF8574 8-Bit I2C I/O Expander with Interrupt.
- micropython-pcf8575 - MicroPython driver for PCF8575 16-Bit I2C I/O Expander with Interrupt.
- micropython-nunchuck - Driver for Nunchuk game controller, I2C interface.
- micropython-keyboard - 47 key keyboard running on a MicroPython pyboard.
- pico-rgbkeypad - A Python class for controlling the Pimoroni RGB Keypad for Raspberry Pi Pico.
- micropython-aiobutton - A MicroPython module for asyncio button.
- micropython-ad840x - MicroPython SPI-based manipulation of the AD series digital potentiometers AD8400, AD8402 and AD8403.
- mcp4131 - MicroPython module to control MicroChip's MCP4131 SPI digital potentiometer.
- AXP202_PythonLibrary - MicroPython AXP202 Library.
- micropython_hourly_sleeper_library - A MicroPython library that enables an esp8266 to sleep for hourly increments for a setup amount of hours.
- upwmcontroller - A MicroPython library for controlling PWM outputs in an asyncio loop, with features including fading and blinking.
- micropython-rotary - MicroPython module to read a rotary encoder.
- uencoder - A MicroPython library for reading from a rotary encoder.
- encodermenu - Simple GUI menu for micropython using a rotary encoder and basic display.
- encoderLib - MicroPython library to handle a rotary encoder.
- rotary-encoder - MicroPython code to drive a KY-040 rotary encoder.
- micropython-encoder-knob - A very simple lightweight encoder knob library with button support.
- encoders Short document explaining issues around encoder technology.
- asynchronous encoder driver Interface an encoder to uasyncio code.
- micropython-74hc595 - MicroPython driver for 74HC595 8-bit shift registers.
- MicroPython-SN74HCS264 - MicroPython Driver for SN74HCS264 8-Bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Registers With Schmitt-Trigger Inputs and Inverted Outputs.
- Micropython-AD9833 - Pyboard driver for AD9833, spi interface.
- Clock_Generators - Clock generators (Si5351 for now) toolbox.
- Signal_Generators - Signal generators (AD9833, AD9834, AD9850, ADF4351) tools box.
- ad9850_signalgen - MicroPython library for AD9850 synthesizer.
- L298N - Driver for the L298N dual h-bridge motor controller.
- MicroPython-L298 - Drive L298 dual H-bridge with MicroPython.
- micropython-pca9685 - 16-channel 12-bit PWM/servo driver.
- micropython-upybbot - A4988 driver for bipolar stepper motors.
- uln2003 - Driver for 5V 28BYJ-48 stepper motors.
- micropython-multiaxis - Multiaxis with MicroPython ESP32 and DRV8825.
- ticlib - Driver for Pololu Tic stepper motor controllers.
- AccelStepper-MicroPython - AccelStepper Library for MicroPython - ESP32.
- pystepper - MicroPython Stepper Motor Sequence Control.
- uPySteppers - DIY rotating platform using an ESP32 connected to Wi-Fi.
- microPython_AMIS-30543 - MicroPython library for Stepper Driver control using AMIS-30543 driver.
- ADXL345-with-Pyboard - Driver for ADXL345 16g 3-axis accelerometer.
- adxl345_micropython - Driver for ADXL345 16g 3-axis accelerometer.
- micropython-lis2hh12 - I2C driver for LIS2HH12 3-axis accelerometer.
- MMA7660 - Driver for MMA7660 1.5g 3-axis accelerometer.
- ADXL345_spi_micropython - Library for interacting through the SPI protocol with an 'Analog Devices ADXL345' accelerometer from an MCU flashed with MicroPython.
- CCS811 - CCS811 Air Quality Sensor.
- upython-aq-monitor - Air Quality monitor using PMS5003 sensor and WiPy.
- micropython-pms7003 - MicroPython driver for the PMS7003 Air Quality Sensor.
- pms5003_micropython - Driver for pms5003 air quality sensor for MicroPython.
- micropython-pms5003-minimal - Driver for pms5003 air quality sensor for MicroPython.
- polly - SDS011 pollution sensor + Wemos D1 mini pro + MicroPython.
- micropython-bme280 - Driver for the Bosch BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor.
- micropython-bmp180 - Driver for Bosch BMP180 temperature, pressure and altitude sensor.
- mpy_bme280_esp8266 - Bosch BME280 temperature/pressure/humidity sensor.
- BME280 - MicroPython driver for the BME280 sensor, target platform Pycom devices.
- micropython-bmp280 - Module for the BMP280 sensor.
- micropython_bme280_i2c - A MicroPython module for communicating with the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor.
- MicroPython-BME280 - Driver to digital sensor of Temperature, Pressure and Humidity.
- micropython-bmp180 - A module for MicroPython which provides a class for the BMP180 pressure sensor.
- BMP390 - MicroPython module for BMP390 pressure & temperature sensor.
- BMP180 - MicroPython module for BMP180 pressure & temperature sensor.
- Micropython-LC709203F - A simple MicroPython library for LC709293F Fuel Gauge.
- micropython-fingerprint - MicroPython library for reading Grow and ZhianTec finger print sensors.
- MAX30102-MicroPython-driver - A MAX30102 driver ported to MicroPython. It should also work for MAX30105.
- micropython-ov2640 - MicroPython class for OV2640 camera.
- Nikon-Trigger-for-MicroPython - Remote trigger for a Nikon camera using an IR LED. For PyBoard v1.1.
- micropython-camera-driver - OV2640 camera driver for MicroPython on ESP32.
- esp32-cam-micropython - MicroPython esp32-cam.
- uPyCam - Take a photo with an ESP32-CAM running MicroPython.
- OV2640_uPy - OV2640 Camera Library for MicroPython.
- MQTT-Cam - ESP-32 Cam MicroPython MQTT AWS S3 Uploader.
- micropython-tcs34725 - Driver class for TCS34725 and TCS34727 color sensors.
- micropython-esp8266-hmc5883l - 3-axis digital compass on the ESP8266.
- QMC5883 - Python class for the QMC5883 Three-Axis Digital Compass IC.
- microPython_AS5600L - MicroPython driver for AS5600L magnet rotary position sensor.
- micropythonINA219 - Driver for INA219 current sensor.
- pyb_ina219 - Driver for INA219 current sensor.
- INA219 - INA219 MicroPython driver.
- TI_INA226_micropython - MicroPython driver for Texas Instruments INA226 power measuring IC.
- micropython-current-monitor - Current monitor using the INA219 and an SSD1306 OLED.
- micropython-gp2y0e03 - IR-LED distance measuring sensor using Sharp GP2Y0E03.
- micropython-vl6180 - Time-of-Flight sensor, ambient light sensor & IR emitter.
- micropython-vl53l0x - Time-of-Flight laser-ranging sensor.
- Qwiic_TOF_Module_RFD77402 - Qwiic TOF Module (RFD77402) time-of-flight rangefinding module.
- VL53L0X - MicroPython Library for Lidar Sensor VL53L0X.
- vl53l1x_pico - MicroPython driver for the vl53l1x ToF sensor.
- tf-luna-micropython - A simple MicroPython i2c library for TF-Luna LiDAR Module.
- vl53l5cx - MicroPython and CircuitPython Package for the VL53L5CX (4x4/8x8 ToF sensor array).
- micropython-hcsr04 - Driver for HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors.
- micropython-us100 - MicroPython driver for the US-100 sonar distance sensor.
- pyGP2Y - MicroPython library for the Sharp GP2Y1014AU0F Dust Sensor.
- ATM90E26_Micropython - Driver for ATM90E26 energy metering device.
- MCP39F521 - ESP8266 scripts for reading MCP39F521 power monitors.
- micropython-p1meter - A ESP32 sensor to read an p1 electricity meter and publish this to MQTT and HomeAssistant, written in MicroPython.
- esp32-solar2 - Simple solar regulator - MicroPython project.
- micropython-MQ - Drivers for MQ series gas sensors.
- MQ135 - Driver for MQ135 gas sensor.
- CCS811 - Basic MicroPython driver for CCS811 on ESP8266 boards.
- micropython-scd30 - MicroPython I2C driver for Sensirion SCD30 CO2 sensor module.
- micropython-sgp40 - MicroPython I2C driver for SGP40 VOC sensor module.
- MICS6814-Micropython-driver - ESP32 MicroPython driver for the Pimoroni mics6814 breakout board.
- MicroPython-SI1145 - SI1145 UV index, IR, visible light and proximity sensor.
- micropython-tsl2561 - Driver for the TSL2561 illumination sensor from TAOS / ams.
- mpy_bh1750fvi_esp8266 - ESP8266 driver for BH1750FVI sensor.
- bh1750 - BH1750 i2c digital light sensor driver.
- micropython-max44009 - MicroPython driver for the MAX44009 ambient light sensor.
- veml7700 - Library for MicroPython for VEML7700 light sensor.
- MicroPython_MAX44009_driver - MicroPython driver for MAX44009 light sensor.
- micropython-bmx055 - Driver for Bosch BMX055 IMU sensor.
- micropython-bno055 - Bosch Sensortec BNO055 9DOF IMU sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-lsm9ds0 - LSM9DS0 g-force linear acceleration, gauss magnetic and dps angular rate sensors.
- micropython-mpu9250 - I2C driver for MPU9250 9-axis motion tracking device.
- micropython-mpu9x50 - Driver for the InvenSense MPU9250 inertial measurement unit.
- MPU6050-ESP8266-MicroPython - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
- py-mpu6050 - ESP8266 driver for MPU6050 accelerometer/gyroscope.
- micropython-mpu6886 - MicroPython I2C driver for MPU6886 6-axis motion tracking device.
- micropython-fusion - Sensor fusion calculates heading, pitch and roll from the outputs of motion tracking devices.
- flight_controller - MicroPython flight controller.
- micropython-bno055 - Bosch BNO055 driver for MicroPython. IMU with hardware sensor fusion.
- micropython-mpu6050-mqtt-streamer - Stream data from MPU6050 to MQTT server using MicroPython on ESP8266.
- upy-motion - A simple MPU6050 driver written in MicroPython.
- micropython-bno08x-rvc - MicroPython library for bno08x.
- micropython-mpu9250 - MicroPython MPU-9250 (MPU-6500 + AK8963) I2C driver.
- ms5803-micropython - A MicroPython implementation of the driver for an MS5803 pressure & temperature sensor.
- MPL3115A2_MicroPython - MicroPython library for the MPL3115A2 Altimeter.
- uPy_APDS9960 - MicroPython proximity library for esp8266 using APDS9960.
- micropython-geiger - Geiger counter with MicroPython card.
- ESPGeiger - MicroPython library for the ESP8266 Geiger counter.
- micropython-chirp - Driver for the Chirp Soil Moisture Sensor.
- MicroPython-MiFlora - Xiaomi Mi Flora (aka. flower care) BLE plant sensors (soil moisture/conductivity/light intensity/temperature).
- AS726X_LoPy - MicroPython driver for the AS726X spectral sensor.
- micropython-max31855 - Thermocouple amplifier, SPI interface.
- max31856 - Precision thermocouple to digital converter with linearization, SPI interface.
- mcp9700 - Generic MicroPython driver for MCP9700.
- bme680-mqtt-micropython - Driver for BME680 gas, pressure, temperature and humidity sensor.
- LM75-MicroPython - Driver for LM75 digital temperature sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-am2320 - Aosong AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-dht12 - Aosong DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-hdc1008 - Driver for the Texas Instruments HDC1008 humidity and temperature sensor.
- micropython-mcp9808 - Driver for the Microchip MCP9808 temperature sensor.
- micropython-mpl115a2 - Pyboard driver for the MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor.
- micropython-sht30 - Driver for SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-sht31 - Driver for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-Si7005 - Driver for Si7005 relative humidity and temperature sensor.
- micropython-si7021 - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-si7021 - SI7021 Temperature and humidity sensor, I2C interface.
- micropython-Si705x - Silicon Labs Si705x series of temperature sensors, I2C interface.
- micropython-Si70xx - Silicon Labs Si70xx series of relative humidity and temperature sensors, I2C interface.
- micropython-tmp102 - Driver for TMP102 digital temperature sensor.
- Official DHT11+DHT12 - ESP8266 driver for DHT11 and DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor.
- sht25-micropython - Driver for SHT25 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-tmp1075 - Driver for the TI TMP1075 temperature sensor.
- micropython-sht11 - Driver for Sensirion SHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.
- micropython-lm75a - Driver for the NXP LM75A digital temperature sensor.
- BME680-Micropython - MicroPython driver for the BME680 sensor.
- htu21d-esp8266 - This is a MicroPython module / class to measure data from the htu21d.
- HTU21D Asynchronous driver for this temperature and humidity sensor.
- esp-sht3x-micropython - A SHT3x (SHT30/31/35) Lib for esp8266/esp32 with MicroPython.
- sht25-micropython - MicroPython implementation of API of SHT25 Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
- micropython-sht30 - SHT30 sensor driver in pure python based on I2C bus.
- micropython_ahtx0 - MicroPython driver for the AHT10 and AHT20 temperature and humidity sensors.
- sht85 - MicroPython driver for the Sensiron SHT85 humidity and temperature sensor.
- micropython-mlx90614 - Driver for Melexis MLX90614 IR temperature sensor.
- micropython-mpr121 - Driver for MPR121 capacitive touch keypads and breakout boards.
- micropython-ttp223 - Examples using TTP223 capacitive touch module.
- micropython-TTP229-BSF - MicroPython ESP8266/ESP32 driver for TTP229-BSF 16-key capacitive keypad in serial interface mode.
- uFT6336U - MicroPython I2C driver for the Focus LCDs FT6336U capacitive touch panel controller IC.
- XPT2046-touch-pad-driver - Driver for XPT2046 touch pad controller used in many TFT modules.
- micropython-mcron - MicroCRON is a time-based task scheduling program for MicroPython.
- micropython-scron - SimpleCRON is a time-based task scheduling program inspired by the well-known CRON program for Unix systems.
- Schedule A scheduler for uasyncio based applications. Schedule events at specified times and dates.
- micropython-aioschedule A persistent uasyncio scheduler that supports deepsleep between task runs.
- uPyMySQL - Pure uPython MySQL Client.
- micropython-redis - A redis client implementation designed for use with MicroPython.
- picoredis - A very minimal Redis client (not only) for MicroPython.
- micropg - PostgreSQL database driver for MicroPython.
- nmongo - MongoDB client for CPython and MicroPython, with mongo shell like APIs.
- MicroPyDatabase - A low-memory json-based database for MicroPython.
- micropython-firebase-realtime-database - Firebase implementation for MicroPython optimized for ESP32.
- micropython-firebase-firestore - Firebase Firestore implementation for MicroPython.
- uSQLite - SQLite library module for MicroPython.
- micropython_eeprom - Cross platform MicroPython device drivers for memory chips (EEPROM, FRAM, Flash, PSRAM).
- mb_24x256_512 - Very simple MicroPython module/driver for Microchip 24x256 and 24x512 I2C EEPROM devices.
- micropython_data_to_py - A Python3 utility to convert an arbitrary binary file to Python source for freezing as bytecode in Flash.
- micropython-winbond - Interact with Winbond W25Q Flash chips via SPI.
- micropython-fram - Pyboard driver for Ferroelectric RAM module.
- mb_PSRAM_64Mb_SPI - Very simple MicroPython module to use a generic 64Mbit PSRAM (ie Adafruit 4677) with a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
- mb_23LC1024 - Very simple MicroPython module to use a Microchip 23LC1024 SPI SRAM with a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040).
- mb_47x16 - Very simple MicroPython module/driver for Microchip 47x16 EERAM devices (47L/47C).
- MicroWorkers - A micro workers class that easily manages a pool of threads to optimise simultaneous jobs and jobs endings, for MicroPython (used on Pycom modules & ESP32).
- upymenu - MicroPython Menu for LCD Displays.
- MicroPython Forum - Online community of over 6400 users discussing all things related to MicroPython.
- MicroPython on Twitter - Follow MicroPython on Twitter for latest news and updates.
- MicroPython on Facebook - Like MicroPython on Facebook for competitions, news and updates.
- Melbourne MicroPython Meetup - Regular meetup at CCHS in Melbourne, Australia.
- Slack - Get an automated invite to the micropython.slack.com workspace.
- Discord - Get an invite to the MicroPython Discord server.
- uasyncio - Write asynchronous code which interfaces to hardware devices.
- Asynchronous drivers - Tutorial and code for asynchronous interfaces to switches, pushbuttons, encoders and ADCs.
- Pyboard micropower - Tutorial and code for low power applications on Pyboard 1.x and Pyboard D.
- 3D rotation with quaternions - Tutorial and code for the easy way to do 3D rotation.
- Miguel Grinberg - MicroPython and the Internet of Things.
- Bhavesh Kakwani - Bi-weekly MicroPython video + written tutorials.
- CoderDojo Twin Cities MicroPython - Full coding curriculum for teaching MicroPython to children.
- Programming with MicroPython: Embedded Programming with Microcontrollers and Python - By Nicholas H. Tollervey. ISBN 9781491972731.
- MicroPython for the Internet of Things: A Beginner's Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484231227.
- Beginning MicroPython with the Raspberry Pi Pico: Build Electronics and IoT Projects - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484281345.
- MicroPython Cookbook - By Marwan Alsabbagh. ISBN 9781838649951.
- Python for Microcontrollers: Getting Started with MicroPython - By Donald Norris. ISBN 9781259644535.
- Advanced Programming in MicroPython By Example - By Yury Magda. ISBN 9781090900937.
- MicroPython Projects - By Jacob Beningo. ISBN 9781789958034.
- Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico - By Gareth Halfacree and Ben Everard. ISBN 9781912047864.
- MicroPython for Microcontrollers - By Günter Spanner. ISBN 9783895764370.
- micrOS - MicroPython based IoT Framework.
- terkin-datalogger - Flexible data logger application for MicroPython and CPython.
- perthensis - Perthensis: an asynchronous framework for MicroPython.
- meerkat - I2C Data Acquisition for MicroPython and Raspberry Pi.
- MicroPython - Project website. Test drive the pyboard. Try MicroPython online with unicorn.
- MicroPython on GitHub - Submit bug reports, follow and join in development on GitHub.
- MicroPython Official Documentation - For various ports, including quick reference, general information, examples and tutorials.
- MicroPython Wiki - Community generated documentation and examples of the features of MicroPython and the pyboard.
- MicroPython Newsletter - Subscribe to the MicroPython newsletter for news and announcements including new features and new products.
- MicroPython Store - Where you can buy the pyboard, housings, skins, books, connectors and peripherals.
- MicroPython on Wikipedia - MicroPython on Wikipedia.
- awesome-micropythons - The many forks & ports of MicroPython.
- micropy-cli - Micropy Cli is a project management/generation tool for writing MicroPython code in modern IDEs such as VSCode.
- micropython-stubber - Generate and use stubs for different MicroPython firmwares to use with vscode and/or pylint.
- micropy-stubs - Automatically Generated Stub Packages for Micropy-Cli and whomever else.
- micropython-extmod-generator - Generator for MicroPython external modules written in C.
- esp32-backtrace - ESP32 Exception Stack Backtrace Analyzer.
- micropython-aiosentry - Asynchronous Sentry.io micro client for MicroPython.
- micropython-usyslog - Simple remote syslog client for MicroPython.
- Asynchronous monitor Use a Raspberry Pico and a logic analyser or scope to monitor asynchronous code.
- BIPES - Web based IDE for MicroPython with file manager, editor, code generation from blocks, IoT dashboard and Serial/USB/Bluetooth/WebREPL console on the web browser! Source: https://github.com/BIPES.
- JetBrains IntelliJ/PyCharm MicroPython Plugin - Plugin for MicroPython devices in IntelliJ and PyCharm.
- Micropython IDE for VSCode - MicroPython IDE for VSCode README.
- Micropython-REPLink for VSCode - Handy shortcuts for interacting with a MicroPython REPL terminal.
- Mu Editor - Code with Mu: a simple Python\MicroPythonb\CircuitPython editor for beginner programmers.
- Thonny IDE - Thonny: Python IDE for beginners.
- Pyboard File Manager - Pyboard File Manager: Windows GUI for Pyboard.py compatible devices.
- micropython-ulogger - Lightweight log module customized for MicroPython.
- upy-shell - A simple command line based shell for MicroPython.
- Micropython-Editor - Small on-board editor for PyBoard, WiPy, ESP8266, ESP32, PyCom and Adafruit devices written in Python.
- rshell - Copy or Sync files to Boards, enter REPL from your terminal.
- ampy - MicroPython Tool - Utility to interact with a MicroPython board over a serial connection.
- mpfshell - A simple shell based file explorer for ESP8266 and WiPy.
- mpsync - A small tool that synchronizes a folder to a MicroPython board whenever it detects a change.
- mpremote - Powerful official shell that supports mounting the host's current directory on the target. Run code without changing the target's filesystem.
- MicroPython Kickstarter - 1,931 backers pledged £97,803 to help bring this project to life.
- MicroPython on the ESP8266 Kickstarter - 1,399 backers pledged £28,534 to help bring this project to life.
Contributions and suggestions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding 👍 to them.