Tags: criptalis/Mobile-Detect
Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet SGP771 is not detected as tablet (serbanghita#753) Google Pixel 2 is detected as tablet (serbanghita#750) Samsung GT-P5100 is detected as mobile (serbanghita#743) Chrome 66 detected as Opera (serbanghita#738) Mediacom tablets are not parsed as tablets (serbanghita#733) Onda V10 tablet is detected as phone (serbanghita#729) Lenovo Tab2 TB2-X30L is detected as phone (serbanghita#725)
Added missing samsung tablet SM-T585 (serbanghita#712) Lenovo Tab4 10 tablet is detected as phone (serbanghita#716) New 3rd party module (serbanghita#714) HUAWAI P8 phone recognized as UnknownTablet (serbanghita#711) Asus Zenpad 8.0 (P024) should be a tablet (serbanghita#709) Reorganizing the PHPCS rules for 2.x Reorganized text. Added new info about desktops
Add Lenovo Mobiles (serbanghita#706) Tablets of brand bq: regexp causes Catastrophic backtracking.(serbanghita#605) Pixel phone support (serbanghita#610, serbanghita#611) Moto X 2nd Gen (serbanghita#612, serbanghita#613) Lenovo Tab3 8 Plus TB-8703F not detected as tablet (serbanghita#704) AppleCoreMedia user agent on iPhone and iPad devices is not recognized as iOS device when the client is requesting html5 video data (serbanghita#620) Maybe inconsistency regarding "UC Browser" (serbanghita#451) Use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase instead of PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase (serbanghita#702)
Add .Net port (serbanghita#698) hgoebl/mobile-detect.js#67 - Limited UA string to max 500 chars to protect from DoS Added Samsung devices. Added new HTC device. Updated regex to be less eager. New Slack chat badge. Add PHP 7.1 and 7.2 to Travis test matrix (serbanghita#680) Turned on coverage reporting.