ERP system for a company called García Medina, in this project I was part of the development of the sales and inventory module, I also did reporting with DevExpress. The development process was carried out in the following order:
- General use case: This is according to what the company or person is dedicated to.
- Analyze the main use case: This is to generate questions that will be asked of the company's employees.
- Interviews with employees: These are to get system and user requirements, what workflow is carried out when an action is performed.
- System and user requirements: These are generated according to the data given by the employees and analysis of the workflows that are carried out when an action is carried out.
- Use Cases: Transcription of the use cases according to the system and user requirements.
- BPMN: This to have an image of what flow is carried out when an action is performed.
- Activity Diagram: This to have a different perspective of BPMN, this would be focused more for the IT area.
- SRS Document: This document is to give a complete description of the system to be developed, including its purpose, the main business processes that will be supported, characteristics, key performance parameters and behavior.
- Class Diagram: This to communicate the design of an object-oriented program, allowing to model the relationships between entities. In UML, a class is represented by a rectangle that has three divisions: Name of the class, attributes it has and messages it understands.
- ER Diagram: This to represent the design of the database, to identify which tables and fields will be needed, and how they relate to each other.
- Prototyping or Layout: This is to design the interface according to UI/UX standards
- Proposal meeting: This was done with the key people of the company, to present the general idea of how the system will be.
- Minutes of the Meeting of the proposal: This was done to obtain feedback according to the opinions given by the people in the meeting.
- Database Scripting: Once the proposal has been accepted, the scripts for the creation of Tables, fields, stored Procedures, views, etc. are started.
- System development: Already writing code, the MVC design pattern was selected, and using the Waterfall methodology.
- Training Plan: This to train users to use the system.
- Meeting with users: This is for users to test the system and give us feedback.
- Minutes of the Meeting: This was done to obtain feedback according to the opinions of the users (Testers).
- Unit tests: these are to test the system and improve it
- System Integration: Integration of the different modules to have a single system
- Minutes of the integration: This is to give feedback or a log to the Project Manager about how it was done and what happened in the integration.
- Test Cases: This is a document that describes the different processes and the results in case of Success or Error of the process.
- Incident Report: This is to have a report of the results of the test cases.
- UAT Tests: This is a document that describes the Test Cases but from the user's perspective.
- UAT Incidents and Opportunities: This document describes the incidents that occurred during the UAT Tests and the opportunities to improve the system.
- User Manual.
- System Manual.
- Installation Manual.