For all current Microsoft Cloud Workshop content, please visit our new website Microsoft Cloud Workshop. Here you will find:
- How-to guides for delivering workshop and lab experiences
- Links to all workshop repositories, with facilitator guides, participant guides, and step-by-step lab guides
- Templates for developing content
- Templates for planning a training experience
- Sample agendas
- Contributor guides for creating and reviewing MCW content
To access current workshop repos, please visit Microsoft Cloud Workshop. The following list of workshops are archived. You can still view content and fork to your own repo, but they are no longer being maintained by the Microsoft MCW team.
- AI-led business process automation
- Analyzing text with Azure Machine Learning and Cognitive Services
- App modernization
- Azure Blockchain
- Azure security and management
- Azure Stack
- Azure Synapse Analytics and AI
- Big data analytics and visualization
- Building an infrastructure migration strategy
- Business continuity and disaster recovery
- Cloud-native applications
- Continuous delivery in Azure DevOps
- Cosmos DB real-time advanced analytics
- Enterprise-ready cloud
- High Performance Computing
- Innovate and modernize apps with Data and AI
- Internet of Things
- Intelligent analytics
- Intelligent vending machines
- IoT and the Smart City
- Leveraging Azure Digital Twins in a supply chain
- Lift and shift/Azure Resource Manager
- Linux lift and shift
- Machine learning
- Media AI
- Microservices architecture
- Migrate EDW to Azure SQL Data Warehouse
- Migrating Oracle to Azure SQL and PostgreSQL
- Migrating SQL databases to Azure
- MLOps
- Mobile app innovation
- Modern cloud apps
- Modernizing Data Analytics with SQL Server 2019
- Optimized architecture
- OSS DevOps
- OSS PaaS and DevOps
- Predictive Maintenance for remote field devices
- Real-time data with Azure Database for PostgreSQL Hyperscale
- SAP NetWeaver on Azure
- Securing Azure IoT solutions
- Securing PaaS
- Security baseline on Azure
- Serverless architecture
- SQL Server hybrid cloud
- Windows Server and SQL Server 2008 R2 end of support planning
To create your own MCW, you can find the master template for new workshops located here. If you are interested in creating a new workshop, please reach out to [email protected].