This repository is a practical guide for software engineers aspiring to master the Unary pattern in gRPC using the Golang programming language.
The Unary pattern in gRPC represents a straightforward one-to-one communication model, where a client sends a single request to the server and receives a single response. This repository provides a hands-on implementation of the Unary pattern, allowing developers to grasp the fundamentals effectively.
The repository consists of the following files:
: Golang implementation of the gRPC server utilizing the Unary pattern.client.go
: Golang implementation of the gRPC client, showcasing how to make a Unary RPC call.hellopb.proto
: Protocol Buffers file defining the service, message types, and RPC methods.
go run hello_server/serve.go
go run hello_client/client.go
Response Hello: Welcome Sr Cristian!