Backend from pokeApi, The goal is to connect to the pokeApi to this backend app and return all the details related to the pokemon synched.
Free api, no need of any kind of auth 🧨
If you want to setup locally this server, you need the following.
- Nodejs (V14.x)
- yarn (v1.x)
- Mongo database
- A Client to test it
Create a JSON file with the keys from env.example and fill out with your own; Example:
"NODE_ENV": "develop",
"DB_URI": "yourUri",
Then run the following commands:
- yarn
- yarn start:dev
It will be displayed a details from endpoints available to test it locally as the following
This URL you need to import it and will have a production requests.
Live URL:
Each request will have an example and if apply a description 🧨
As a guest user,
So I can list all recently pokemon,
I would like to be able get sync with the pokeApi
As a guest user,
So I can list all pokemon synched,
I would like to be able to list them
As a guest user,
So I can get a pokemon,
I would like to be able to get it by name or by ID
As a guest user,
So I can set a custom update to a specific pokemon,
I would like to be able to patch it
As a guest user,
So I can get a specific list of pokemon,
I would like to be able to get them by type
- Hexagonal Arch
- Aws lambda with api-gateway with serverless for deployment
- Node, typescript
- Mongo DB
- Git / Github
- ESlint