This plugin adds batch insertion capabilities to ActiveRecord model classes.
The API is very similar to the standard new
and create
functions provided
by ActiveRecord, but will not return a saved object to the caller.
This plugin is released under the MIT license, and was contributed to the Rails community by the good people at Software Projects
100.times { ModelClass.create! :name => 'Test', :description => 'An example object being created.' }
ModelClass.batch_insert do
100.times { ModelClass.insert :name => 'Test', :description => 'An example object being created.' }
Batch insertions return the same result as new()
ModelClass.batch_insert do
args = {:name => 'Test', :description => 'An example object being created.'}
ModelClass.insert(args) # ModelClass instance
ModelClass.insert(args).new_record? # true
ModelClass.insert(args).id # nil
end # The insertion is done at this point in the code.
Invalid objects will immediately cause an exception
ModelClass.batch_insert do
invalid_args = {}
ModelClass.insert(invalid_args) # Exception!
Constraint violations will cause an exception when the batch is inserted
ModelClass.batch_insert do
conflict = {:unique_value => 'Collide!'}
end # Exception!
Custom batch size is supported (the default is unlimited)
ModelClass.batch_insert :batch_size => 10 do
# This loop will cause 3 INSERT statements
37.times do |i|
ModelClass.insert :name => "object #{i}", :description => "The #{i.ordinalize} object"
end # And the last 7 objects will be inserted here.