v114: Christmas Content Chaos!
Patch Notes
- fixed fadeout agents on round end to prevent them from dying @Muparadzi
- improve respawn timer @Muparadzi
- Randomise map rotation @Yeldur
- Players are moved to spectator if possible instead of being kicked for inactivity. Warning sound added. @Muparadzi
- 3x constant multi removed
- TDM now rewards valour to the top 20% of players from each team (minimum 3 players)
- Multi reduces each minute unless valour is achieved
- Reduced afk timer to 30 seconds in TDM @Muparadzi
- Changed equipment, spawns and a new unit for vikings by @rf-l
- Add functionality for viscount spawn variety @Muparadzi
- DTV bots are now much more interested in the Viscount, make sure to keep them occupied! @Muparadzi
- Viscount has been given a shield to protect him from some slightly more intelligent enemies @rf-l
- Adds DTV map Simira Fort by @rf-l
- Qalat new navmesh @rf-l
- Ruins of Rahiz: Ballista added and existing one changed - better angle @rf-l
- Monolith: Invisible object removed and new navmesh @rf-l
- Increase global TopSpeedReachDuration from 0.8 -> 1.1 @Muparadzi
- Reduce global swing speed multiplier from 0.925 -> 0.87 @Muparadzi
- Return backward and side movement modifier to native values. @Muparadzi
Added Ashwood Pike @Erdertus
Added holster positions for xbow @Meowkov
Added clan colour Brigandine & re-tiered existing Brigandines for variety @AppleTruce
Ancient Fighting Axe primary (shop and inventory looms) mode corrected to 1h axe. Alt mode 2h sword @Erdertus
Zweihander primary (shop and inventory looms) mode corrected to 2h sword @Erdertus
Great Long Bardiche and Long Bardiche added (replacing old Long Bardiche) @Erdertus
Separated light and heavy crossbow STR req. Heavy xbow max req = 21STR. Light xbows max req = 18STR @Erdertus @Muparadzi
Redistributed arm and legs armours to cover some gaps in armour values @AppleTruce
Added Handgonne, currently disabled for testing @Meowkov
Added Staff items @Meowkov
Corrected Short Noble Voulge loom naming @Erdertus
Budget changes @Erdertus NOTE: Refunds are only issued to shields currently - affected items are all on the cards to be refunded in the future but we want to see where this lands us before doing that.
1h maximum price increased to 9000 (+2000)
Shield maximum price decreased to 5000 (-2000)
Increased the tier impact of 1h mace swing stats
Decreased the tier impact of canknockdown
Increased the tier impact of length for 1h maces
Increased the tier impact of blunt for all weapon types
Increased the tier impact of BvS for two handed polearms and 1h maces
Removed BvS from some non-cut weapons due to not providing enough value for the tier impact
Full Changelog: v113...v114